Fight at Mt. Hakurei (Part 2!!)

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You began to enter MUI, and start swinging Excalibur and the Sword of Light at Naraku!

Naraku: You have such power. But, I can easily be rid of you.

He begins to fill your body with miasma, but you smiled!

(Y/N): Sorry, but I'm immune to poison!

Naraku: What?!

He then tries to stab you, but-

(Y/N): Hado #90: Kurohitsugi!

You trap Naraku in the black coffin and he's stabbed repeatedly!

Naraku: Why won't my barrier work against you?

(Y/N): Heh, any of my attacks can pierce your barrier! Besides, the wind is getting stronger!

Naraku: What do-


Inuyasha attacks with Tessaiga and Naraku begins to lose his patience!

On another hand...

Jack clashes with Madara!

Jack: You're in for a world of pain, Madara! Especially since I got help!

Madara: Foolish! All of you are fools with lukewarm attacks! I-

He begins to feel the strength of Miroku's wind tunnel!

Madara: Agh! Die fool!! I'll show you how strong I am!

Madara swings his war fan, and his wind nearly breaks the entire mountain!


Shippo transforms into an octopus!

Shippo: Don't question this!

Madara: How interesting. A Kitsune that can transform. No wonder why you fox creatures are giving me trouble. But you're nothing compared to one bratty l-

Jack: DON'T INSULT HIM!! Insult him again, and you'll know why he's going to be the best Hokage!! Also, you should be more careful of-

Madara catches Hiraikotsu.

Sango: Agh! He caught it.

Madara: Impressive weaponry. But you through like an amateur.

Kagome: Come on guys, keep him distracted!

Shippo: Hang on! Have some of this! FOX ART: SPINNING TOP!

Shippo sends a bunch of spinning tops, though they appear to huge, Madara grabs him!

Shippo: LET ME GO!

Madara: How childish. Time to wake up boy. My eyes can see past your little tricks.

The chakra of his Susanoo begins to emit.

Miroku: He's on a whole other league. I don't get it. How can 1 human have this power? He doesn't possess the Shikon Jewel or the-

Jack: That's because he's of the Uchiha Blood. They have such broken abilities!

Madara: You don't even have time t- AAAAGH!

He feels searing pain as Kagome's arrow hits him.

Madara: Why you little!

He goes and slaps her!!

Kagome: AAGH!

(Y/N): WHY YOU!! YOU!!!

Inuyasha: YOU BASTARD H-

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