Bye, Bye Omega!

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Weil: Oh you got it the other way around Boy! Omega is the one true original Zero! 

Zero: If that's the case, why is he your slave? 

Weil: Hmph! He's a bloodthirsty God of Destruction. All I did was upgrade him to draw out all his power! All right, Omega...... or should I say "Original Zero"! Time to wake this pitiful fake from a century-long dream!


Omega begins to attack with his Z-Saber, while you and Zero start to come up with ideas! 


You summon Harvest, who begin to try and inject Zero with tranquilizers, though it doesn't work! 

(Y/N): CRAP!! Wait! Aha! KING CRIMSON!!

You use King Crimson to erase time, and move around. 

(Y/N): Come on Omega! 

Omega starts causing earthquakes, only to get attacked by Zero! 

(Y/N): Okay Zero, keep him distracted! I'm going to try and use something! 

Zero: Right! 

Zero and Omega continue to clash with each other over and over again! 

But then you notice an opening and- 


You write, "Omega has no control over the Dark Elf! COME OUT!" 

And with that, The Dark Elf comes out of Omega!

(Y/N): YES!!!

But then it goes to try and rejuvenate him! 

Zero: (Y/N), that's my body, I can't- 

Dark Elf: Zero. 

The Dark Elf seems to be turning brighter. 

(Y/N): It looks like the curse is fading. 

X: You're right. 

X arrives. 

Weil: AGH! X! 

X: That's right, Weil. Just like a century ago... I worked with Zero to defeat this Omega then... And we saved the world from your greedy clutches. Don't worry Zero, Omega is just using your original body. That's all... Your current body may be a copy... But your heart is the real thing. All right, now's the time. While the Dark Elf's power is weak. Time to finish what you started a century ago, Zero! 

(Y/N): Go on. 

Weil: Zero, don't do it!! That's your original body! Don't you feel any attachment?! Are you really prepared to spend the rest of your life in that cheap fake?!

But Zero just charged at Omega, and impaled him with the Z-Saber. 

Omega screamed as he exploded! 

(Y/N): ZERO!! 

You rush to him. 

In Zero's mind... 

X: Can you hear me, Zero? My energy is almost all spent. I can't... stay in this world... much longer. Zero... I want to leave this world in your care. The threat Weil represents has not left this world. I want you... to protect humans and Reploids. You can do it... You... can...

(Y/N): HEY!! 


(Y/N): WAKE UP!!! 


Leviathan: Should we kick him or something? 


Harpuia: How pathetic is this? 

Fefnir: I agree with Leviathan! Let's kick him, standing around is for wimps and- 

Zero: Hey ... what the? Is this the Resistance Base? How did- 

(Y/N): She helped me bring you here. 

The Mother Elf appeared. 

Mother Elf: Zero. 

Fefnir: Heh, she's free. Weil has no control on her anymore. 

Harpuia: We won, for now. 

Mother Elf begins to fly away. 

Ciel: She's finally free. 

Zero: I guess so. 

(Y/N): Are you still worried about that? 

Harpuia: You aren't the one to always mope you know. 

Fefnir: You really going to let what Weil said get to you? 

Leviathan: Yeah, have that confident attitude you usually do. 

Ciel: Besides, your heart is what makes you who you are. 

Everyone: You are Zero. 

Zero: Yeah. 

You all look to the sky as the Mother Elf flies away. 

Zero: I am ... Zero. 


Weil: It's not over yet. Just you wait. I will destroy you both. You ready, Craft? 

A figure appears behind him. 

???: Yes, Lord Weil. It's time to begin Ragnarok. 

Shounen Hero Book 7Where stories live. Discover now