On with the Dates!!/Little Weiss!!

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For the next date of your ever going life, you had a double date actually! 

(Y/N): So, you girls want to date me first? 

Rarity: Well, actually (Y/N) Darling, it's because I really want to help poor little Weissy. 

(Y/N): Poor little Weissy? Weiss is doing fine. I mean yeah her father is a massive asshole, and I wish for him to die, but- 

Applejack: She's talking about the clone. 

(Y/N): The clone?! 

AJ: Yeah, you know. This one. 

She brings out the little Weiss. 

Rarity: She seems so scared and confused! 

(Y/N): Hi little one. 

Chibi Weiss: H-Hi. 

(Y/N): What's wrong? 

Chibi Weiss: I'm scared. I mean, why is everyone around me so- 

(Y/N): Okay, now this is total deja vu. 

AJ: What's familiar about this Sugarcube? 

(Y/N): One of my girlfriends Mikoto Misaka. She was cloned too. And well the bastard behind it wanted to make child soldiers. And we worked together to free them. 

Rarity: HOW AWFUL! What kind of a brute would do that? 

(Y/N): He's an insane scientist who literally turned on his colleague, Dr. Vegapunk. How does he look like? Some guy obsessed with Szechuan Sauce? 

Rarity: I see. Well don't worry Darling. We're going to take good care of you. 

(Y/N): Want to be a daughter of mine? Oh boy, this means that Weiss and her family are going to be mothers. 

Chibi Weiss: Okay! You seem nice, Daddy. 

(Y/N): I'm good at this. 

Rarity: Oh I know! I met little Anya! She's such an angel!! 

AJ: Rarity loves kids, she's very attached to her little sister. 

Rarity: Oh Sweetie Belle is such a cutie!! And so is Applejack's sister! 

(Y/N): I hope to meet them soon. 

AJ: Heh, I think they'll like you. You're a genius with kids. 


The three of you are first going shopping. 

AJ: Ugh, I can't find that many Cowgirl clothes. I know this is Japan. But come on! Give me some damn boots! 

Rarity: Oh hush Darling. Besides, the kimonos are wonderful. 

Right now Rarity is wearing a purple kimono, with socks and black sandals. 

Rarity: I have elegance, and charm. 

She gets out a fan, and flaps her face. 

AJ: Really Rarity? This is just ... you. 

(Y/N): She's cute in it. 

AJ: Yeah, I guess she is. Hehehehehe. 

(Y/N): AWWW!! YURI!!! 

Rarity: What? Oh please. You think I would have a relationship with Applejack? She's a mess. 

Applejack: And she's pompous and a neat freak. 

(Y/N): And yet she's always generous. 

Applejack: Well, I guess so. 

(Y/N): And you're a very honest girl. 

Rarity: It's true. Honesty is one of the best parts of being in a relationship. 

(Y/N): Plus, I mean opposites attract. A cowgirl and a rich beauty queen? It's a match made for heaven. 

Applejack and Rarity: I guess so. 


You have fixed Rarity and Applejack some sushi as they were now holding hands and giggling. 

(Y/N): Looks like you both got attached. 

Rarity: You're so cute with those eyes and freckles. 

AJ: And you're really pretty. 

The cowgirl kisses her fashionista girlfriend, and they both blush. 

And then once you serve the sushi, they kiss you. 

AJ and Rarity: You're the best Sugarcube/Darling. 

(Y/N): (blushing) Thanks, girls. I never thought a cowgirl and a fashionista would be cute together. But the universe keeps proving me wrong! 

All three of you started eating the sushi, and just enjoying each other's company once again. 

(Y/N): So many girls, so much fun. 

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