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Pangu was removed from the remains of Bakunawa, and well you were now looking over Kalaw, Aaa, Corazon, and Askal. 

(Y/N): Sorry guys, but your crimes can't be ignored. Luckily, I talked things out with the Magister. 

Askal: What is it? 

(Y/N): You both will be doing work under both Shang Tu and me. 

Aaa: Huh? What do you mean? 

(Y/N): I'm going to have you guys be real heroes. Do community service. 

Corazon: Clean up duty? UGH! 

Kalaw: If it's what takes to be a real hero, I'LL DO IT!!!

(Y/N): That's the spirit! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with the Magister. 



Magister: I have been part of a legacy of crimes. I must atone for our actions, and spread the truth. Everyone must know. From what I've seen of you. You are ... capable. 

(Y/N): Capable?! Neera, what about- 

Neera: I have come to decide it too. (Y/N), you're fit to rule Shang Tu. You seek out the best opportunities. You managed to change them. You stopped a mad man. 

(Y/N): Really? But I can't just- OH RIGHT! CLONES!! 

You clone yourself! 

Clone (Y/N): So, where can I start? 


You are soon meeting up with Lilac, Carol, Milla, and Neera.

(Y/N): Girls? 

Lilac: You ... helped us out a bunch (Y/N). 

Carol: You're really awesome Dude! 

Milla: I can't thank you enough for standing up for me. 

Neera: I already have said enough. 

All of them hug you, and then you get four kisses, one from each girl. 

(Y/N): Heh, you girls are lucky to decide to share me! You're all too adorable. Since I have a harem, that makes another dragon girl, another cat girl, another dog girl, and another panda girl in my house! Though, I'm going to need to do some cloning. 

Lilac: Will that hurt? Just asking. 

(Y/N): Nope! Not at all! 

Milla: How can you do all of these amazing powers? 

(Y/N): It's just me. 

Neera: Right. Milla, I would appreciate if you don't keep annoying our current Magister. 

(Y/N): Hey, just call me (Y/N), Neera. 

Neera: Very well, (Y/N). Anything for you. 

Carol: Hey, Panda Girl really is chill around him. 

Neera: Don't press your luck, Wildcat. 

Lilac: So, how is your world? There are more Dragons right? 

(Y/N): Yeah. I also happen to date another water dragon. 

Lilac: ANOTHER?! 

???: Is that true? 

(Y/N): Merga! 

She appeared. 

Merga: She's still alive. I know it. 

(Y/N): You mean Cordelia? 

Merga: Yes. She could be in your world. So, I will come along. Hopefully, your people are kinder than that monster. 

(Y/N): Don't worry. Not all humans are like Azad. 


Caesar is seen carrying a vial. 

Caesar: You may be gone, but at least your legacy can live on somehow. 

Shounen Hero Book 7Where stories live. Discover now