Pseuderoid Scrap!

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You and Aile went to talk to Prairie.

(Y/N): Prairie, why are those guys interested in Aile? And what about me?

Prairie: I guess I should tell you.

Prairie: My Sis, she ordered Giro to find you, Aile. And (Y/N), she gave orders on to assist you.

(Y/N): Ciel, it really is you.

Prairie: At first I didn't understand why she would give such an order. But when I saw Giro transform into the Model Z Mega Man, I finally understood the reason. Survivors of Maverick raids share the ability to transform with the power of the Biometal. People like you and Giro, Aile. I'm telling you the truth when I say that's all I know. I have no idea why some are chosen to be Mega Men while others are not. I'm guessing the only one who knows the real truth behind all of this is Serpent.

(Y/N): Then we'll just have to keep searching and fighting! Aile?

Aile: Yeah! Let's do it!

You both arrive in Area I, which is next to the Power Plant...

(Y/N): This is really spooky. Hmm ... I'm detecting life signs nearby!

Aile: Great!

Both of you go deeper in, and Aile gives Model P a shot!

(Y/N): Hey, you can see in the dark better?

Aile: Yeah!

(Y/N): Heh, neat! Having all of those Biometals makes things better!

Though once you guys get to the room where the humans are being held-

???: HOLD IT!

A figure appears!

???: Let me guess, you're here to save the poor folks in the next room? Quite the little heroes aren't you?

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???: Let me guess, you're here to save the poor folks in the next room? Quite the little heroes aren't you?

(Y/N): You're using people to sacrifice for Model W? That's messed up!

Hurricaune: They're valuable sacrifices for the resurrection of Model W. Cyber-elves exposed to data on fear are the key to reviving Model W. I am the Model H Pseudoroid, Hurricaune! You're about to become the next sacrifice. Just make sure to scream for me!

She begins to attack by unleashing mini tornadoes!

But then you get an idea!

(Y/N): Aile! Use Model L and freeze her!

Aile: Good idea!

She uses Model L to unleash an ice dragon, which hits Hurricaune!

And then-

(Y/N): Boop.

You peck her face and it sends her flying and shatters her!

(Y/N): Nice!

With that, the other half of Model H is acquired!

And with that, the humans were saved too... Next was Area J, which was near the forest where you first met Aile...

Prairie: (Over comms) The data disk contains the report that Sis was working on while she was in the recon unit.

Aile: So that disk is going to contain the rest of the data that was missing from the one we found at the distress call terminal.

Prairie: We found the enemy delivery unit along with a Biometal signature. There must be something important stored on that disk. The Biometal signature is further back in the same area. Be careful you two.

Going through the area, underwater was not easy at all!

Though this lead to finding the Pseudoroid!

???: Hwahaha! So you're the great Mega Man that keeps trying to interfere with our plans

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???: Hwahaha! So you're the great Mega Man that keeps trying to interfere with our plans. I suppose it's asking too much to expect someone so young to understand what we're trying to do. You should respect your elders and listen to us old folk.

Aile: Yeah, you're a great role model. So much so that you'll hide the truth from everyone.

Leganchor: Hwahaha! Sometimes ignorance is bliss little one! I am the Model L Pseudoroid, Leganchor. It looks like I'll have to teach you some respect.

Leganchor starts to attack with so many of his hooks, but then you cut them down, and Aile uses Model F to set him on fire!

(Y/N): Hey old man! Have some do this!

You stab him in the head!

Leganchor: Why... Why do you fight so hard? Why do you risk your life for those fools? Youth is wasted... on the young...

As he explodes, you pick up the other half of Model L, and there's also a data disk!

Aile: Hey, what's this?

She inserts it and-

Voice: Serpent wiped out the recon unit and vanished with the Model W fragment. Others had come into contact with the fragment, so I don't understand the reason Serpent was the only one affected. If I recall correctly, there was one thing that was different. He was a Maverick raid survivor. His passion for research must have been linked to his fear. Model W must have been able to manipulate his emotions. However, that still leaves the question of what Model W is after... I don't have much longer. I pray that this data doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

Prairie: Serpent was awfully worried about the data leaking out. He must have known the reaction the people of this country would have if they knew the truth. Send the data disk along with your mission report. We can't allow the information contained on it to get out until we know exactly what it is.

Aile: So Serpent is a survivor of Maverick raids just like me... If he became what he is now. What's to stop me from becoming the same thing?

(Y/N): Aile, you'll never be like him! You're strong, determined, brave, kind, and heroic. You will never stray from who you are.

Aile: (Y/N).

She blushed tremendously.

(Y/N): You're cute when you blush.

Aile: I- I am? Hahahahahaha.

(Y/N): Even her laugh is adorable too!

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