Gardenia, The Spunky Grass Trainer!!

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You explored the entire area, taking out any trainer you come across!

And then-

???: Hey! You made it!

The Gym Leader comes out from a tree.

Gardenia (Gym Leader of Eterna City! She is very spunky, and tomboyish, kind of like Ryuko!)

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Gardenia (Gym Leader of Eterna City! She is very spunky, and tomboyish, kind of like Ryuko!)

(Y/N): I'm here to beat you and get the next badge!

Gardenia: Straight to the point! I like it! Alright! Here we go Turtwig!

She sends out her Turtwig, and you send out Monferno!

Monferno: Ha! Get ready for a burn!

Turtwig looked really scared!

Gardenia: Come on Turtwig! Use Leech Seed!

(Y/N): Monferno, dodge and use Fire Punch!

Monferno dodged and begins beating up Turtwig!

Monferno: YEAH!!!

Turtwig tries to stand up, but collapses!

Gardenia: Ugh, I guess I underestimated you. Fine! I still have my Ace in the hole! Roserade, let's go!

Roserade comes out!

Gardenia: Now Roserade, use Grass Knot!

(Y/N): Monferno, dodge!

Monferno dodges!

(Y/N): Now use Flame Wheel!!

Monferno spins rapidly and hits Roserade hard!

It's a critical hit!

Roserade begins to use Giga Drain, and Monferno loses energy!

Gardenia: Ha! Nice one! Now Roserade, use Solar Beam!!

Roserade begins to charge up!

(Y/N): Crap! Monferno go all out! Use Fire Blast!!

Monferno uses Fire Blast, and with luck, it works!

Roserade is hit hard, and faints.

Gardenia: SHOOT! I guess you win.

She puts her Pokémon back in her Pokeballs!

Gardenia: You're a good one! Hey! You're (Y/N) the famous trainer! You're known all throughout Kanto and Alola!

You then give her a number.

(Y/N): You'll need the paper for later.

Gardenia: Huh?

You wink at her.

(Y/N): Trust me.

Gardenia: Okay! Here take this!

Gardenia: Okay! Here take this!

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Forest Badge

(Y/N): Nice! I'm on a roll!!

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