Chapter 2: flight home

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(Georges pov)

After breakfast me and Dream went to the car and started driving to the air port.

Dream was driving and I was in the passenger seat. We haven't talked to each other yet which made the car very very quiet through it was okay with me, I was starting to get a headache and I don't know why what so ever.

"So" Dream says. I look at Dream who's eyes were stuck to the road.

"So?" I ask

"What was your favorite thing that you did here?" Dream asks 

"Well I don't remember anything from last night" I say

"I don't as well but that's not the point" Dream says   

"I really liked going to the beach with you, playing in the water was the best" I say

"Oh yeah, I picked you up and throw you into the water" Dream says while laughing

"HEY" I say "It's not funny!"

"Come on George it's a little funny and you know that" Dream says 

"Fine it was a little funny" I say "And that's all your going to get me to say about that"

"Okay okay" Dream says 'I just want to know, did you enjoy your stay here?"

"Yeah I did, it was the beat stay I have ever had at someone's place and don't tell anyone but your cooking is the best cooking I have ever had" I say

"Now your just lying" Dream says

"I am not" I say "I am really not, your cooking is the best" 

"Thanks" Dream says "But what about Wilbur's cooking?"

"Yours is better" I say. Dream starts laughing.

"Like are you really being serious?" Dream says

"Yes, Yes I am" I say

"Okay" Dream says. We pulled up at the air port and I take a deep breath.

I get out of the car and grab my bags. Dream locks the car and we both walk into the air port. I let out a deep breath knowing I am back here and I am not happy to be going home. I turn to look at Dream who smiles at me.

Dream still hasn't done his face reveal even through we did meet up, to be far I think he may have forgotten about that because he had so many things planned even a day to relax and watch a movie.

I could tell that Dream is very organized and he knows what he is doing every day of his life but today I can tell that Dream didn't know I was leaving today and was upset, he's just putting on a fake smile to make me feel better.

"So what did you have planned today before I told you I had to go home today?" I ask

"We were going to go the beach then the arcade then we were going to make a ice cream cake then watch a movie while we eat the ice cream cake'" Dream says 

"That sounds like a fun day" I say  

"It was going to be" Dream says. The speakers call out my flight and I frown.

Dream hugs me tight and I hug him back.

"I am just a phone call away" Dream says

"I know but I am still going to miss you" I say

"I know" Dream says. I pull away and grab my bag.

"Goodbye Dream" I say

"Until next time" Dream says. I walk over and put my bag in the bag thing.

I walk through security. I wave one last time to Dream who waves back. I get on the plane and sit down. One thing that I picked up on Dream is that he hates saying goodbye he always says something else then goodbye.

I look out the window as the plane take off. I look at Dream's car to see him standing there waving. I smile then lean back in my seat. I didn't feel like eating right now, I just wanted to feel Dream's arms around me and his cooking but Dream is right, he's just a flight and phone call away.

I just need to get my visa done and I can go see him any time I want. 

I sigh and clear my mind then fall asleep.

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