Chapter 187: Pet stuff shopping

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(Dreams pov)

"Come on dad, the pet shop is gonna shut soon we need to go like right nowww" Coral says 

"Yes sweetie hold on the kitten's won't go into the carry crate with Patches" I say 

"Do you need help honey?" George asks

"No no I have got this just give me a sec and I should be done soon" I say 

"Okay we will be watching tv" George says "While we are waiting"

"Okay" I say. I look down at the kitten who are curled up right next to Patches who is looking at me.

"What's up sweetie?" I ask. Patches looks down at the 2 kittens who don't have a owner and one is female and the other is male.

"I don't know what to do with them sweetie" I say. One is white and black and the other is brown and white with a odd pattern.

Patches looks at me then curls closer to them.

"I don't know if we can keep them" I say. Patches looks up at me with what seems to be a kinda sad face??.

"Maybe one can be my cat and the other is George's" I say. Patches rubs her fur on my hand meaning she is saying yes.

"Cool but for now you need to get in the carrier" I say. Patches stands up and picks Snow up in her mouth and puts her in the crate, the same goes with Stitches, Mimi and the other kittens.

Patches curls around the kittens and I close the crate up. I pick the crate up and walk into the lounge room and everyone looks at me.

"That took quicker then I thought it would" George says 

"Should I be offended by that?" I ask

"No no definitely not" Coral says 

"Okay well lets get going then before the place shuts" I say

"Yes come on lets go" George says. Everyone runs out to the car and gets in.

 I shut and lock the door then walk around to help the girls with their car seat belt thing but no my surprise Coral and Willow had done their own themselves and wow so did Tessa, the girls are growing fast.

I get into the passenger side and put my seat belt on. I put the crate on my lap and George starts to drive away. I pull up the GPS to tell George where to go.

"So what are we gonna do with the other kittens?" George asks

"Well I thought it would be good if we keep them" I say "One can be my cat and other can be yours"

"That's a great idea love" George says "Which one would you like?"

"Can I have the white and black one?" I ask

"Of course you can, I will have the last one then" George says 

"What are you gonna name your kittens?" Coral asks

"Well George you have the male on I have a female" I say 

"So there was only one male?" George asks

"Yeah" I say "Well I think I am gonna name mine Ari" 

"Ari, I like that one" George says "Well I will name mine Eli"

"I like that name" I say. I look up to see that we have made it to the pet store. 

We all get out of the car and George locks it behind us. We walk into the building and look around. The girls run to the cat area and look around the place for cat stuff and toys while I walk over to the lady at the desk.

"Hi" I say 

"Hi, how can I help you today?"

"I would like some custom collars for me and my family's new kittens" I say

"Of course let me show you the designs for the collars and where they are" 

"Okay thank you so much" I say. The lady leads me over to where the collars are.

The lady walks away and the girls run over to me and George slowly follows. The girls look at the collars and they pick out the colour's and collars they want for the kittens, me and George also pick out some as well.

"Okay you girls go find things we need for the kittens and stuff that you want for the kittens as well while I go and fix up these collars" I say 

"Okay daddy!" Willow says. I watch as the girls run off and I look at George who leans on me and hugs me tightly.

"You tired?" I ask. George nods. 

"Don't worry we will be back soon" I say "Now go watch the girls"

"Ughhhh but I am lazy and tiredddd" George says. I smile and shake my head.

George does the normal George 'ugh' that we all know and love then he walks away. I walk back to the lady who smiles at me.

"So did we find what we wanted today?" 

"Yeah can I please have the name 'Snow' on the yellow collar" I say 

"Oh sir no, we do this while your here it's something new so if you follow me to the back I will fix up those collars for you"

"Okay sure" I say. I follow the lady as she leads me into the back.

I watch as we walk over to a machine thing.

"So on this screen here you add what you want to the collar then you put the collar in the box and it should come out the other end all fixed up" 

"Okay sounds easy enough" I say. I walk over to the screen and put the yellow collar in the box.

I type on the screen the name 'Snow' on one side, which is the side on the front, then I put mine and George's phone number on the back. I click the confirm button and watch as the box slides into the machine then it comes out the other end.

I pick up the collar and smile at it.

"Nice" I say. I put in the purple collar and put the name 'Stitches' on it, I then put in the light purple and put the name 'Mimi' on it.

I then do mine and George's, the collar I picked was green and I put the name 'Ari' on it, I then do the blue collar which is Georges and I put the name 'Eli' on it. After I was done I take the collars and me and the lady walk back to the desk.

I look over to see that Willow and Coral where carrying many things and even a trolley was full of stuff and even Tessa was carrying shit. I pay for everything then we walk outside and put everything in the car.

I get into the car and put my seat belt on, I look down at the crate to see that the kittens and Patches were asleep and I agree with them I think it's nap time for everyone but of course not me, I don't like nap time and I can't sleep anyways sooo I am fine I'll just watch tv.

I turn to the girls who look at me.

"Nap time when we get back okay?" I say

"Okay daddy" Willow says 

"I hate nap time" Coral says. and Tessa is already fast asleep.

I turn back to look at the road and I have a slight smile on my face.  

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