Chapter 85: Second day

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(Willows pov)

I hear the door open and I look up at it.

I see something on the floor crawl over to me which makes me sit up a bit. Something starts to clear up and I start to see a little figure of Tessa crawl over to me. 

"Twssw whwt arw ywu dowing hwrw" I whisper. I feel my hand carefully get wrapped up in something and the same with my other hand.

Tessa looks down at me then she crawls out of the room. I hear the door shut and I lay still on the ground. 


After what felt like a few hours I am now being able to move around and my body doesn't feel as weak.

I hear the door open which makes me look up at it. Phil looks down at me then looks at my hands. Phil walks over to me and picks me up. Phil leaves the room with me in his arms. Phil walks into his and his wife's bedroom.

Phil puts me on the bed then walks into the bathroom. I look down at my hands to see they were in bandages, I heard mommy put some on daddy before. Phil walks back into the room with bandages and some weird liquid.

Phil sits on the bed and carefully takes my bandages off. I look down at my hands. Phil puts the liquid thing on my hands which makes me jump and almost start crying. Phil puts more bandages on my hands then he hugs me.

I hug back. Phil pulls away then he picks me up. Phil walks into the room where Coral and Tessa are. Coral and Tessa looks at me as Phil puts me down. Coral quickly crawls over to me then looks at my hands.

Coral looks at Phil and starts growling at him. Phil steps back and leaves the room.

"Wwwt" I say. Phil looks down at me.

"I wwnnw twlk wwth mwmmy wnd dwddy" I say

"Of course" Phil says. Phil pulls out his phone and starts calling someone.

Phil puts his phone on the ground and slides it over to me.


The sound of daddy's voice makes me smile widely.

"Hwllw dwddy!" I say

"Hello my blob how are you today?" Daddy asks

"I wm gwwd" I say

"I didn't get to talk with you last night, what happened there?" Daddy asks

"A womwn lwwkwd mw wn a smwll rwwm" I say

"Aw honey that's not good what so ever" Mommy says 

"Mwmmy!" I yell

"Hello my darling" Mommy says 

"I mwss ywu" I say

"We miss you too sweetie" Daddy says

"Hww ws ywur twmw awwy?" I ask

"It's amazing but we do miss you and your sisters" Mommy says 

"Aww thwts sw nwcw of ywu tw swy" I say

"Well Willow sweetie we are your mommy and daddy after all aren't we?" Daddy says

"Yws!" I say

"Mwm I hwvw to wsk ywu swmwthwng" Coral says 

"Ask away" Mommy says

"Arw ywu a gwrl or bwy bwcwusw ywu look nwthwng lwkw mw and swsters" Coral says

"No sweetie I am not a girl but I am still your mother" Mommy says

"Okwy mwmmy!" I say

"Okwy mwm" Coral says 

"Mwmw" Tessa says 

"Okay Mommy and daddy have to go now" Daddy says

"Aw okwy" I say

"Bye bye girls, we love you" Mommy and daddy both say at the same time.

"Lwvw ywu tww mwmmy wnd dwddy" I say. I hear the phone hang up and Phil takes the phone.

"I'll go cook you guy's some lunch" Phil says

"Okwy" I say. Phil leaves the room and walks downstairs.

I look at Coral and Tessa and we all cuddle up to each other.

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