Chapter 91: Stars

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(Dreams pov)

The doctor tells me that Tessa's blood tests are clear and that I can take her home.

I walk over to the bed Tessa is in and I pick her up. I hold Mr bear with my other hand and walk out to the car. I unlock the car door and open the back door. I put Tessa in her car seat which wakes her up. 

Tessa looks at me and I give her Mr bear and she takes him. I shut the door then get into the drivers seat and look back at Tessa who is holding Mr bear close to her.

"We are going home Tessa, are you ready to go home and see your sisters and mama" I say. Tessa nods and I put on my seatbelt.

I start driving away from the hospital and back to the house. I stop at some lights and let out a sigh. I look in the mirror to see Tessa looking out the window and up at the sky.

"You like the stars?" I ask

"Stwrw" Tessa says 

"Yes stars" I say "I love the stars, they are very pretty to look at and they make me feel relaxed but that was when I was younger but now I am like a grown man well I still have some kid left in me we all do"

Tessa looks at me then back out the window. Once the light goes green I start driving then I pull over at a park. I get out of the car. I shut the car door then walk over to Tessa's side and open the door.

I take the seatbelt off Tessa then pick her up and out of the car. I shut her door then lock the car. I walk into the park and sit down on the grass. I sit Tessa next to me and Tessa looks up at the sky. I look at Tessa then look at the sky as well.

"Only for a few minutes" I say. Tessa looks at me and I look at her. 

I lay down on the grass and Tessa slowly rolls over to me. Tessa climbs on top of me and lays on me facing the stars in the sky. Tessa's head is on my chest and her little body is slightly heavy on my stomach but no t much.

I look up at the stars with her. She lays Mr bear on her chest and stomach as well.

"They look so pretty" Mr bear says "This is the first time I am seeing stars"

"They are very pretty" I say

"Prwtty" Tessa says 

"Yes they are very pretty" I say. After a few minutes of looking at the stars but it is now time to head home.

I pick Tessa up and she holds onto Mr bear. I unlock the car and put Tessa back in her car seat and puts the seatbelt thing on her. I shut the car door and run over to the drivers side and get into the car.

I put my seatbelt on and start the car up then start driving home.

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