Chapter 142: Early birthday present

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(Dreams pov)


I open my eyes and look up to see George. I look down at my arms to see Coral was still curled up fast asleep. I smile and look up at George. I frown then look back down at Coral.

"Why did you yell at her?" I ask "I know what happened but still she didn't mean to hurt her"

"I know I know it was wrong of me to yell at her but" George stops "It just came out of no where, I just got so upset and angry that I yelled and yelled and yelled, I didn't mean to make her upset or scared"

"Well you can tell her your sorry when she wakes up from her sleep but for now let her rest" I say

"I feel like a bad mum" George says 

"Honey your not a bad mom, every mom does something they don't mean to their kids" I say "My mom has done it tons of times"

"Well I don't like your mum" George says 

"I don't as well but she is still my mother and we can't change that" I say "But I do have a step mom but I haven't met her, Tommy has because he grew up with them"

"I am glad you didn't go with your father in the end" George says 

"Why?" I say

"Then this may have not happened, we may have never met at all" George says "Let's face it, would be dating someone else as well before you even have met me"

"I guess you are right" I say

"I mostly am honey" George says. I roll my eyes and look down at Coral.

Coral opens her eyes and yawns.

"Morning dad" Coral says 

"Good morning sweetie" I say "Mom's here and he wants to say something to you"

Coral looks over at George.

"I am sorry baby, I didn't mean to yell at you" George says

"It's okay mum I forgivw you" Coral says 

"I love you sweetie" George says 

"I lovw you too mum" Coral says. I smile and put Coral on the ground and she walks over to George and gives him a hug.

"Oh honey come downstairs I have your early birthday present downstairs" George says 

"Okay I am going now" I say. I stand up and walk downstairs into the living room. I sit down on the lounge and lean back.

George walks into the room with a box in his hands. George hands me the box and I take it. I open the box and my eyes widen.

"It's a plane ticket for you to go to Britain to be with your father for your real birthday" George says

"So this is why I wanted this out of my memory" I mumble

"What was that?" George asks

"O-Oh it's l-lovely sweetheart" I say "It's amazing...I am not spending my birthday with my kids"

"Well I thought you might have wanted to spend the time with your real dad since you don't see him much" George says 

"Yeah its great really" I clear my throat and stand up. 

"I am going to make some dinner" I say. I put the box down and walk into the kitchen.

I start cooking but very badly. 

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