Chapter 73: Hello Mr Bear

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(Dreams pov)

I am not dumb I am really not. 

I hear him talking to her every night, I thought she was just talking to herself but she's not, I saw it last night, I heard it last night. It's alive, Mr bear is alive and he talks to Tessa when she is alone. I don't know how I feel about it.

I feel like it is good for Tessa that she has someone who is always with her and is gonna keep her safe but I also feel like it's a bad thing because what happens if it doesn't save her and what happens when she doesn't want to leave it or that she won't talk to other people.

I was cooking breakfast for everyone who is happily eating it.

"So Clay I was thinking that maybe I should take me and take the kids with me while I go to the house that many people from the Dream smp are going and I thought it would be a good way to show everyone our kids and plus I think you need some alone time, how does that sound?" George says

"I am fine with that if your happy to take them" I say

"I am and it will be good for you" George says 

"Okay and Tessa can I have Mr bear for the day please?" I say. Tessa hands me Mr bear and I take him.

"Thank you sweetie" I say. I kiss Tessa on the head.


I watch as they drive away from the house.

I look down at Mr bear who I sat on the counter.

"Hello Mr bear" I say "I know what you are so talk"

Mr bear's eyes move to look at me.

"Hello" I say

"Hello there" Mr bear says

"So you are alive" I say

"I am" Mr bear says

"So what are you going to do with my little girl?" I ask

"I just want her to be safe and happy and she seems to like me and she's not scared of me which is a first" Mr bear says "Know since you know what I am are you gonna throw me away?"

"No" I say "I can't do that to Tessa and I know you just want to protect her and you want to be around her, you make her happy and I am not going to take that away from her or you but I will have to tell George some day" 

"Maybe not now because he will throw me away" Mr bear says

"Yeah I know, I won't tell him now but I will have to tell him some day soon other wise he will get upset that I didn't tell him about well you" I say

"So your not mad?" Mr bear says

"No I am really not like I already knew because I could hear you the whole time, I have super hearing" I say

"I promise that I won't hurt her" Mr bear says

"I am trusting you" I say "And I am happy for you to talk to me if something is wrong"

"Really?" Mr bear says

"Really really just don't scare the other girls please, I don't wish to deal with that" I say

"I know" Mr bear says. I turn around to the kitchen counter and make myself a tea.

I turn around to face Mr bear and drink my tea. 

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