Chapter 50: Surgery

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up every early in the morning.

I look at George who I am holding tight. I get out of bed and get changed into comfy clothes. I leave the room and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I grab a pen and piece of paper and write George a letter.

I leave the house and get in a cab. They drive me up to the hospital and I get out of the car. I walk up to the lady at the desk.

"Hello how may I help you?"

"I uh" I say. The lady looks at me.


"Clay John Evans" I say

"We have no one here for that name"

"No no I mean Clayton John Evans, sorry I am used to my smaller name" I say. The lady looks at her computer and puts my name in.

She looks up at me.

"They are waiting in room 404" 

"Thank you" I say. I walk through the hospital to room 404.

I walk into the room and the doctors look at me. I sigh and take the hospital clothes. I change into the hospital clothes then lay down on the bed. The doctors walk up to me and put a oxygen mask on my face.

I look at the doctors who change the oxygen to anesthetic. I start to feel really tired as my eye lids feel heavy. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

(Georges pov)

I wake up to being cold and I don't know why.

I sit up in bed and see that Dream was gone, he never gets up early in the morning and if he does he would wake me and tell me that he was going or wait for me to wake up. I get out of bed and walk downstairs to see a note on the counter.

I pick up the note and read it.

Dear sweetie 
I am sorry I didn't wake you up or tell you where I was going truth is I was going to tell you wants going on last night but I just didn't want you to be upset or feel worried for me but telling you last night may have been better but I am going to tell you now. I am going into surgery today at the hospital, I have a very bad problem with my stomach which stops me from eating so the doctors called me in to have surgery so they can fix it. I am sorry for not telling you about it but I promise I will fight for you and the kids. I love you my sweetie.
From your boyfriend Clay

I put the note down and feel tears in my eyes. I sit down on the kitchen stool. I know Dream is strong and caring but I wish he did tell me last night just in case it was our last night together- No! George don't think like that, Dream is strong he will live through this for you and the kids who need him, I need him.

I put my head on the kitchen counter and let tears roll down my cheeks.

"I wish you told me Clay, I wish you told me..." I say

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