Chapter 139: Brithday?

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up by myself in bed which is odd.

I sit up in the bed and look at the clock 9:21 am. I look around and realized I slept in past the time I get up, way past the time I wake up. I get out of bed and walk into the closet. I put on my white shirt and some short black pants.

I walk out of the room but when I try to open the door but the door was locked. I knock on the door then pull on the handle.

"Hey! Let me out!" I say. I kick the door. 

This starts to bring back bad memories. The door unlocks and George stands there. I fall into George's arms and I start crying.

"Whoa Clay" George says

"L-locked m-me a-away" I say 

"Oh Clay I am sorry I didn't know that it would almost make you cry" George says. I let out a sigh then calm down.

"Why did you lock me in my room?" I ask. I pull away from George.

"Well Clay don't you remember?" George asks

"Remember what?" I ask

"Oh my god Clay you haven't forgotten have you?" George says

"Huh?" I say. I have no idea what George was talking about what so ever.

Georges eyes widen then he lets out a deep breath.

"It's nothing Clay don't worry about it uhh stay here for a bit for me will you?" George says

"Yeah I can stay here, I might have a shower anyways" I say

"Yeah yeah that sounds like a good idea" George says. George turns around and walks out of the room.

"George" I say. George turns around and looks at me.

"Is everything okay?" I ask

"Everything is fine Clay don't worry about it okay" George says. George leaves shutting the door behind him.

I was confused but I shake my head. I walk into the bathroom and take a nice warm shower. Once I finished I get changed back into my white shirt and some black shorts. I dry my hair then put the towel up. 

I walk over to the door and open it. I walk downstairs.

"So George what did I forget?" I say

"It's nothing Clay don't worry" George says 

"It's not nothing if you had to pack things up" I say

"How did you know?" George asks 

"You left some confetti on the kitchen counter" I say. I pick up a piece of confetti and move it around my fingers.

"I-" George sighs

"What am I forgetting?" I ask

"Clay I don't want you to worry about it okay?" George says "It's nothing that you need to worry about"

"Are you sure?" I say

"Yes Clay I am sure you don't have to worry about it" George says "But the girls do want to say a happy morning to their lovely father"

"Okay okay where are the little ones" I say. I watch as Willow, Coral and Tessa run into the kitchen.

I pick Coral and Willow up and give them both cuddles and kisses on the heads. I then put Willow and Coral down and pick Tessa up and kiss her on the head and give her cuddles. I put Tessa down and give George a hug.

I pull away from the hug and smile at my happy family. Willow and Coral run out of the room laughing and playing, Tessa was following close behind them and George was running after Tessa making sure she doesn't fall over and hurt her healing arm which was broken but she did have the cast off now and she just needs a bit more time and she should be good.

I giggle lightly and smile but I am still wondering, what am I forgetting.

I am back :)

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