Chapter 25: Showing everyone

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(Dreams pov)

"Dream, Dream, Dream get up come on we have stuff to do today"

That's how I woke up this morning. I open my eyes and look at George who is standing over me holding Willow. I smile and sit up. George gives me Willow and I hold her close to me.

"My little blob" I say "In fact they are all my little blobs"

"Is that what your gonna call them now?" George says while giggling

"Maybeee who knows" I say "Where are the other 2?"

"Well Coral is still asleep, bless her and Tessa is just squirming around but is very calm, Willow on the other hand was crying so I picked her up and feed her" George says 

"So she should be okay for a few hours or so" I say

"I hope" George says 

"I think we all hope" I say

"Speaking off should we show stream our baby's? They have been there for me the whole time while you were away" I say "We should show them to them because they earned it"

"I'll do it if you do it" I say "I mean you already did my face reveal so we should be good"

"Okay okay I'll set up and you take care of the baby's until I am ready" George says

"Too easy" I say. I stand up and give Willow to George. 

I quickly get changed then take Willow back. George runs out of the room and into his office while I walk into the baby's room and put Willow back down in her cot. I look at Coral who is awake and staring at me, I was kind of scared of her right now.

I pick her up and she continues to stare at me. I make her a bottle and put it near her mouth. She takes the bottle and starts drinking but get this, while staring at me. I close my eyes and let out a sigh.

"I am ready Dream! I've started so hurry up and bring them in order!" George yells out

"Okay hold on!" I yell back. I look at Coral who finishes her bottle. 

I put Coral back down and the bottle on the table. I pick up Willow and walk outside of the room. I open George's office door and walk in. Chat was going crazy about seeing my legs. George turns and looks at me.

"Everyone this is Willow" George says "The oldest out of the 3"

I walk over to George and carefully hand him Willow. George talks about her and talks and talks. George looks at me and nods. I walk out of the room and pick up Coral who is staring at me...again.

I walk back in the office and up to George.

"Everyone this is Coral" George says "She's the middle one"

I lean down and my face comes into view of the camera. Me and George swap baby's and I stand back up. I take Willow out of the room and put her back in her cot. I look at Tessa who looks at me and yawns.

I pick Tessa up and wait for her to stop squirming and get comfortable in my arms. I walk out of the room and into the office. I get on the ground and hold Tessa in the view of the camera.

"And this is Tessa she is the youngest and the smallest and very breakable so we have to be careful with her" George says. I look at chat and everyone thinks I am not me.

"And chat this is Dream aka Clay who you guy's know" George says

"Really" I say. George giggles.

"Well everyone thinks your someone else" George says. I look down at Tessa who starts crying.

"No no no no sweetheart it's okay sh sh sh" I say. I slowly rock Tessa who calms down at little.

"Dream can you feed her?" George asks

"Yeah sure not a problem" I say. I stand up and walk out of the office.

I walk into the kitchen and make Tessa a bottle and feed it to her. I walk into the baby's room and it down in the chair in the corner and slowly start humming a song while I feed Tessa. Once she was done her bottle I burp her then continue to hum.

Tessa falls asleep in my arms

Okay everyone this is how it's going to work, I will take turns writing this story and another so I am in a good mood while writing this and I am in a open mind and ready so this story is back and ready to read again, hope you enjoy :D   

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