Chapter 156: Oh no he found out

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up in the hospital room with George who is sitting on the bed.

"Hi honey" I say. George looks at me and smiles

"Hi Clay" George says 

"Did the surgery work?" I ask

"Yep the doctor says you are all better" George says

"That's good, where's Willow?" I ask

"She's asleep on the bed down there" George says 

"Aw our sweet little blob" I say. George gives me a huge smile.

"The doctor says that he is gonna come and check up on you to see how your PTSD is going and see if he can help in any way" George says 

"I don't think he can but okay" I say

"Well he can at least see what your PTSD is affecting" George says 

"Yeah I guess your right" I say

"I normally am" George says. I smile and so does George.

The door opens and the doctor walks in. The doctor looks at me.

"I gonna need you and your kid to step outside please" 

The doctor looks at George. George nods and walks over to the bed and picks Willow up. George leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

"Okay so Dream, I understand you have very bad PTSD so I am here t find out what your PTSD has been affecting in your day to day life" 

"I am fine really, it doesn't affect anything I swear" I say

"Well about a day ago I was told that your brain had made a safe space because something had upset your PTSD that doesn't sound like anything"

"Yeah but I am over that now and now I am back to real life so I am fine" I say

"Dream I understand that your childhood was not the best in any way shape or form so I wish to understand what is going on so we can help you"

"Listen if I wasn't fine I still wouldn't say anything to you or to anybody" I say


The doctor sits down on a chair that he had pulled out. 

"Well Dream I am gonna sit here for a bit I hope you don't mind" 

"Okay" I say. I get comfortable in the bed and close my eyes.

After a while I didn't fall asleep. 

"Your still awake aren't you" 

"Maybe" I say

"Are you tired?" 

"Very" I say

"Well I guess I have just found something that your PTSD has affected" 

"What?" I say

"Your sleep"

I say nothing. The doctor writes it down on the board.

"I am going to give you some medication that will help you sleep" 

"Help me sleep?" I ask

"That will knock you out when you go to bed"

"No no no no I don't want them" I say "I need to be able to wake up in the night just in case something bad happens to the girls"  

"Dream you have to take them otherwise your be very tired and you could do things that you don't mean" 

"I am not taking them" I say

"You are gonna take them and if you don't I will get George to drug you every night and you won't be able to fight it"

"I will not take those tablets and I will not let you drug me as well" I say in a very angry voice. The doctor just stares at me.

"We will see what George thinks then"

"Don't you dare say anything to him" I say

"To late, that's my job"

The doctor leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

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