Chapter 34: Oh shit

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(Tommy's pov)

Dream and George both leave the house leaving us with the kids.

I still had Willow in my hands. I look down at her. Willow looks so much like Dream and it's kinda scary knowing that this was Dream AND George's kid and they are both males but I am happy for them.

Through some of my fans don't really like it at all but that's just people these day's they just don't want to know anything and don't really like most things and they pick on people for it. I look in the other cots at the 2 other baby's.

One looks so much like George and the other is differently a mix of both and you can see it. I smile and look a Phil who is talking to Wilbur. 

"I like this one" Phil says walking to me and he touches Willow.

"She's going to be a trouble maker" Wilbur says pointing to the one who looks like George.

"That's Coral" I say

"She look's a lot like George like a lot a lot" Wilbur says 

"Yeah, Willow, The one I am holding, looks a lot like Dream then Tessa over there is the mix of both of them and the one we need to be careful of" I say. Wilbur looks at Tessa.

"Why?" Wilbur asks

"Because she is very small and can get hurt very easy" I say. Wilbur picks Tessa up very badly.

"Wilbur!" I yell. Tessa starts crying because of the way Wilbur picked her up.

Wilbur quickly puts Tessa back down and looks at me and Phil.

"No one tell Dream and George and they won't know okay?" Wilbur says "I didn't mean to hurt her" 

"You shouldn't keep it away from Dream and George, it's their baby! Would you be upset if someone hurt your baby but didn't mean to and they never told you?" I say 

"But Tommy you don't understand, Dream will get very angry that I hurt her and he will hunt me down ad kill me in no second" Wilbur says

"That still doesn't make it okay!" I yell "Phil tell him!"

"Tommy keep me out of this" Phil says 

"I am telling them and I don't care what you say I am doing it anyway" I say

"Tommy no! That's not for you to say, it's my fault meaning I get to call them not you" Wilbur says "And I am not calling them"

"It's still wrong" I say

"And I don't care!" Wilbur says. Wilbur picks Tessa back up in a different place.

"Wilbur she's only a child who is only a few weeks old, you can't hurt her and let your anger out" I yell

"I don't care!" Wilbur says

"You should care, they aren't your kids, they are Dream and George's and they need to know things" I say

"They don't need to know shit" Wilbur says. Wilbur looks down at Tessa.

"Phil I don't think we should let Wilbur near the baby's" I say

"I would agree but we do need his help, George and Dream have trouble with the baby's and there are two of them so we need the 3 of us" Phil says. I sigh.

I look down at Willow and smile.

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