Chapter 119: Bathroom

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(George's pov)

We went and brought the TV's for the house. 

I asked Dream if we could look around the house a bit more and Dream agreed. We were walking around the house and going deeper and deeper into the house. I look behind me to see Dream was slowly following which I can understand, it would be hard for him.  

I stop at a old room which makes Dream freeze up.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"This used to be my old room" Dream says "I miss it, it was the best spot because it was a good hide away spot to get away from them"

I let out a sigh and that's when I realized I needed to use the bathroom.

"Shit I need to use the bathroom, will you be alright?" I ask

"Yes I'll be fine" Dream says. I nod and walk around until I found the bathroom.

I open the door and walk into the bathroom then shut the door behind me. I look at the back of the door to see blood was all over the door. I turn around and step back to see that blood was everywhere in this bathroom.

I walk up to a puddle of blood and touch it, it was dry meaning it was old. I look around and notice a phone sitting on the sink. I walk over to the phone and pick it up, it was flat. I look at the phone, it was a old phone that seemed that it was left behind a while ago

I put the phone in my pocket and look around the bathroom more. I look at the toilet which has bloody bandages on the lid I also did see some on the sink as well. 

"No way I am peeing in here" I say. I walk out of the bathroom and into a different one.

I do my business then flush the toilet then wash my hands. I leave the bathroom and walk over to the lounge room which Dream is sitting on the lounge.

"I'll be in our room if you need me" I say

"Okay, I'll be here watching TV" Dream says. I walk over to the kitchen and look through the draws until I found it, the old charger for the phone.

I shut the draw then walk into the bedroom. I shut the door and walk over to the outlet. I put the charger in and plug it into the phone. I watch as the phone lights up and says 0%. I put the phone down and wait for it to charge.

I sit down on the bed and let out a sigh. Bad things have happened here, stuff I don't know about and never will because Dream can't talk about it. I wait for a few minutes then I stand up and walk over to the phone.

The phone is now on 35% charge. I take the phone of charge and sit down on the bed. I look at the phone and the lock screen looks oddly familiar to me like I have seen this photo before wait that's a high school photo of Dream and Sapnap. This must be Dream's old phone and lucky for me Dream only ever uses one password for everything.

I put in the password and the phone unlocks. I look through Dream's messages to see has a shit ton of them to Sapnap. I look through the messages and from the look of this, Dream was only 17 when he had this phone.

I look through the phone I stop at the camera roll which is a bad place to be if you ask me. I stop as something catches my eye well a lot of things, videos after videos after videos after videos. I click on a random one and turn the volume up but not to loud.

"Day 12 of being in this bathroom and to be far I want to give up on life, I am not getting much food and my phones gonna go dead soon, My mom has been coming in and beating the shit out of me putting blood everywhere, I just want this t be over. Clay logging off for tonight"

And that's where the video ends. There was so much blood in that bathroom I am not even sure how Dream survived. I put the phone down and lean back in the bed.

"I need to know more about this place" I say

Chapter recommendation: EDEN1234xxx

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