Chapter 98: Dont touch my dad

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(Corals pov)

"Willow thws ws not a good idwa" I say

"No bwdy towchws dwddy!" Willow says almost yelling. I was walking with Tessa who I was trying to help walk with u because she wanted to come with us.

"Willow slow down! Mw and Twssa can't kwwp up" I say. Willow looks at me. 

Willow walks a bit faster until she stops. I stop walking when I was standing next to her. 

"Hwy!" Willow yells. Me and Coral both look up to see the person who look dad away from us then came back holding his stomach and he had pain on his face.

The person looks down at me, Willow and Tessa.

"What's this? Little kids coming up to us"

"I wm not hwppy wwth ywu!" Willow says 

"Aw and why's that little one" 

"You hwrt my daddy" Willow says 

"Aw who's your daddy little one"

"Dude she kinda looks like Clayton" 

"She does doesn't she, are you Claytons little girl?"

"I am" Willow says

"Aw little Clayton"

"I bet she is as weak as him" 

"Lets test that"

I watch as the guy pushes Willow down to the ground which a lot of force. That's when I felt it, anger rise in me and it was really bad anger. The guy starts laughing and I look at Willow who is crying a bit.

"NOBODY TOUCHES MY DAD AND NOBODY HURTS MY SISTER" I yell. I jump up and land on the guy's shoulders.

The guy screams as I bite and punch him all over. I hear people egging me on and yelling at me. Mum runs over to me and takes me off the guy. Mum holds me tightly so I couldn't get out of his arms.

"What the fuck!" The guy yells. Dad runs over and looks at me then at the guy.

Dad giggles a little then looks down at Willow. Dad snaps his head over to the guy.

"You can fucking hurt me but nobody hurts my kids!" Dad yells. I watch as dad starts punching the fuck out of the guy.

Mum lets me go and I follow dads lead and start helping him. Mum pulls dad away from the guy then Willow pulls me away.

"Babe calm down!" Mum says "You can't just start beating him up for hurting Willow"

"Your right your right, I am sorry" Dad says. Mum lets dad go and Willow lets me go.

"What the fuck!"

"Shut up Mason" Dad says. I look up at the guy and the guy looks down at me.

I growl and the guy moves back a bit.

"This is your kid?!" Mason says

"That's Coral she's the middle child don't worry she doesn't bite" Dad looks down at me "Much"

Mason looks at mum and mum looks at Mason.

"Whatever" Mason says. Mason and his friends walk away and dad looks down at me and smiles.

"That was amazing Coral, you did a good job protecting your sisters" Dad says 

"Thanks dad, I always try my bwst" I say

"And that's all you can do" Dad says. I smile and dad smiles back.

"I'll be right back..." Mum says

"Okay honey" Dad says. Mum leaves us alone with dad.

"Lets go back to our spot" Dad says

"Okay Daddy" Willow says. I wonder what Mum is doing.

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