Chapter 55: Asked out

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(Georges pov)

After we ate dinner we put the girls to bed and made sure that they had their bottles as well before hand.

I was now sitting on the bed while Dream was doing something downstairs. I don't know when I should tell Dream that a guy asked me out while Dream was in surgery and the guy not gonna lie is kinda cute but I want to stay with Dream.

I am just worried if I tell him he will hunt down the person and kill them. I look at my phone which I have a Snapchat message from the guy who asked me out. I open up the message and look at me.

Hey cutie how are you this fine night?

Look Kai I don't think I can go out with you

Is it because of DrEaM, really cutie just break up with him like are you really happy with him?

Of course I am that's why I don't want to break up with him and that's why we can't be together 

Well if you want to stay with him then maybe me and you could do something that will make you think your still with Dream and will make Dream still think he is with you but really your with me instead 

I am not cheating on Clay! That's not right and I am very very loyal I will never cheat on him ever do not even bring that up again

Come onnn you know you think I am cute and you know you want to date me just face it plus I think I would be a better father then Dream

You take that back, Clay is a wonderful father and a amazing boyfriend to me

You didn't say no when I said that you think I look cute

You might be cute but Clay is hot and sexy and he makes me feel loved and he treats me right unlike most people

Please I bet I can do a better job at taking care of you and looking after the kids so I am going to ask you this again, Will you go out with me? And I want you to sleep on it

I am done speaking to you tonight, good night and good bye

I get off Snapchat and close the tab. I put my phone on the charge and I hear the door open. Dream looks at me and smiles.

"Hello my sweetie" Dream says. Dream walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead.

"Hello Clay" I say

"I am going to have a shower okay? I'll be right back" Dream says

"I'll be waiting" I say. Dream walks over to the bathroom and grabs his clothes and takes them into the bathroom with him.

I sit and wait for a few minutes and watch as a very wet haired Dream walks out. Dream walks up to me and shakes his hair like a dog, the water from Dream's hair cover me. I push Dream away from me and he looks at me.

Dream's hair covers his eyes because it's so long and when it's wet it covers his eyes and it's curly. I move Dream's hair away from his eyes and he looks at me and smiles. Dream kisses me on the nose which makes me giggle.

I stand up and walk into the closet and get changed. I walk back out to see Dream shirtless in the bed. I jump into the bed and crawl under the covers and Dream cuddles me.

"Good night sweetie, I love you" Dream says

"I love you too Clay" I say. Dream falls asleep and after a few hours he starts softly snoring which makes me smile.

I fall asleep as well. 

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