Chapter 157: What do you think?

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(Dreams pov)

I was worried and scared because at any time George could come into the room and tell me that I need to take the medication so I can sleep at night or he might be mad that I didn't tell him before.

I was trying to keep myself calm but I can't seem to calm down. I start taking sharp breaths and I start having a panic attack. I cough and hold my stomach. It seems that my stomach pains are back which is odd because I haven't had them since I had my surgery on my stomach.

I hear the door open and a nurse walks in and puts food and a drink on the table. The nurse looks at me with a worried face. The nurse hands me chocolate milk which is my favorite. I calm down and let out a deep breath.

I take the chocolate milk and take a sip out of it. I put the chocolate milk down on the table and the nurse leaves the room. I sit up on the bed and move the table over me. I start eating the food which has taken my mind off things.

I hear the door open which makes me look up and over at the door, George walks into the room. I take a deep breath and put my fork and knife down. I move the table away from me. George walks over to me and moves the table back.

"Eat, then we can talk" George says "You need to eat"

I move the table away from me.

"I am not hungry" I say. George moves the table back.

"You are hungry you just scared" George says "The nurse told me you were having a panic attack when she came in and gave you the food so I understand your on edge"

"George I am fine really, I am not hungry I promise" I say

"Okay" George says "That means we have to talk now"

"Can I use the bathroom first? I really have to go" I say

"Clay I know what your doing" George says "I understand you don't wanna talk about it"

"No I actually need to go like really badly" I say

"Oh yeah go ahead then" George says. I stand up and walk into the bathroom, my IV slowly following behind.

I don't know why I have a IV in my arm I don't really need it but that doesn't matter I am not a doctor so I don't know what so ever. I walk over to the toilet and do my thing then once I finished I flashed the toilet and washed my hands.

I walk over to the bathroom door and let out a sigh. I didn't want to go out there at all but I know I can't run away from this and I am gonna have to talk about it soon so better now then never. I open the door and walk over to the bed.

I lay back down in the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" George asks

"I didn't want you to worry about me" I say

"But we promised to talk with each other about these things" George says 

"I know I know I am just so used to not telling anybody" I say. I let out a deep breath.

"What do you think?" George says. I look at George.

"I don't want the medication or the drug thing" I say

"And I don't want you taking them as well" George says 

"Then I won't take them" I say

"Sounds like a good idea" George says. We both smile.

I pull the table back and start eating again.   

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