Chapter 135: Merch meeting

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(Dreams pov)

"Are you sure you want to take them to your merch meeting?" George asks

"Yes I am sure, the girls can help me with the design choice" I say

"Okay just don't lose them in the big warehouse where all your merch is" George says 

"I won't lose them I promise" I say

"Clay I told you to dress nice" George says

"George hon it's just a merch meeting I don't need a suit" I say "I always wear my green hoodie and black pants to my merch meetings and the people are fine with it"

"Clay" George says 

"George" I say. The girls run down the stairs and run over to the door, they were happy to be going.

"Drive safe and don't leave them behind" George says

"I won't, stop worrying" I say. I give George a kiss on the lips then I walk over to the door.

"Clay" George says. I turn around and George throws me my keys and wallet.

I catch both things and put them in my pockets. I open the door and the girls run out to the car. I shut the door behind me and hear a click. I walk over to the car and unlock it and the girls get into their car seats. I put the seatbelt thing over them then shut the car doors.

I get into the car and shut the door. I put my seatbelt on and drive away.

"Whwrw arw ww going daddy?" Willow asks

"Going to my merch warehouse meeting and I wanted you guy's to help me pick some design things for me" I say

"What's mwrch?" Coral asks

"Merch is for people who watch my YouTube channel to buy if they want to help support us and they want to look cool when they go down the streets" I say

"That sounds cool daddy" Willow says 

"Drwwwng" Tessa says 

"You wanna draw the merch for my YouTube channel?" I ask. Tessa nods really fast.

"When your older sweetie" I say

"Okwy!" Tessa says. I pull up at the warehouse and pull into the building where we park.

I get out of the car and get the girls out as well. I shut the car doors and lock the car then we walk inside to the real building. I look around to see many things that need to be shipped out and cabinets full of my merch.

The girls run around and I walk into the meeting room and sit down in the chair.

"So I was thinking pins?" 

"More pins? I think blankets, we don't have much blankets" 

"I agree with both of you, pins and Blankets" I say

"Happy birthday cards!"

"Ooo I like that" I say. Tessa walks in and crawls onto my lap and sits on it.

"Hww abwwt swmw tww mwgw" Tessa says. The others look at each other.

"You want tea mugs?" I ask

"Ywwh" Tessa says. The others nod.

"Tww swt" Tessa says 

"Ooo a tea set?" I ask. Tessa nods.

The other girls walk in and start saying good ideas the others were writing them down as the girls say them.

"Well lets get to work!"

"Come on girls your gonna help me" I say

"Yws!" Willow says 

"Surw" Coral says 

"Pwpw!" Tessa says

"Come on lets get to work then!" I say. We leave the room.

This is gonna be fun and funny.

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