Chapter 69: Its time

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(Dreams pov)

It has been 2 days since George had cleaned and bandage my cut and today is the day I am getting down on my knee and asking George to marry me.

I was sitting on the bedroom bed which the ring box in my hands. I hear a knock at the door which makes me jump. I put the ring box in my pocket as George opens the door and looks at me.

"Ready to go out with Sapnap, Karl and" George stops and shakes his head "FuNdY"

"Yeah I am ready" I say "Are you ready?"

"I am ready when you are ready" George says

"Is Tommy ready to look after the kids?" I ask

"Him and his girlfriend yes" George says 

"Okay" I say "Then lets get going" 

Me and George leave the room and walk into the playroom. I see Tommy and some lady with him. I walk over to the lady and she looks at me.

"Hi! You must be Tommy's brother Clay" 

I shake the lady's hand.

"I don't think we met"

"No we haven't" I say

"Well I am Evelyn Tommy's girlfriend" 

"Well Evelyn I am Clayton as you may know, I am Tommy's brother" I say. George stands by my side.

"This is my boyfriend George and those are our girl's" I say

"They are so cute" Evelyn says 

"Come on Clay we have to go now" George says

"Take care of them for me alright" I say

"Don't worry they are safe with us" Evelyn says. Me and George both leave the room after saying goodbye to the girl's first.

We wait out the front for Sapnap to show up which he did and right on time. Me and George get into the car. George sits in the passenger seat, Sapnap was driving, Karl was in the back on the left, Fundy was in the middle while I was on the right.

Fundy looks at me and I look at him.

"Hey Clay" Fundy says

"Do not call him that, he hates that name, only I can call him that and that's it" George says "Don't forget I am right here Fundy I can see and hear everything"

"Hey! I am the one with super hearing not you, I can hear everything" I say. Most of the rest of the car ride was very quiet.


We have been shopping for a few hours and I have been watching and with George.

We just had some food and I stop George from walking. The others look at me and I let out a sigh.

"George, I know this is a odd place to do this but" I say. I get down on my knee and pull the box from my pocket.

I open the the box and move it up.

"George, will you marry me?" I ask. George was in shock and I could tell.

"Clay I-" George stops "Yes! Yes I will marry you!"

"Thank god" I say. I stand up and kiss George.

George pulls away. I put the ring on his finger and hug George. Everyone around us start clapping and screaming because they know how we are. I look at George and he looks at me.

"Probably shouldn't have done this while shopping but I couldn't wait anymore" I say

"The ring is very pretty and yeah but I also couldn't wait so I am happy if your happy" George says 

"I am very happy" I say 

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