Chapter 32: First day in new house

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(Dreams pov)

I had helped George unpack the rest of his stuff while the kids were asleep so they wouldn't get in the way.

George was streaming in his new soundproof office while I was in the baby's room watching over the little ones. I was scrolling through TikTok like a person would normally do. I hear something move which makes my head move away from my phone and onto the cots.

I listen close to hear someone moving around in cot 3. I get off TikTok and put my phone down on the green chair that I was sitting on. I walk over to cot 3 and look down. Tessa was squirming around the cot.

I smile and carefully pick her up. I walk over to the green chair ad sit down. I look at Tessa gets comfortable in my arms. Tessa stops moving and slowly falls back asleep. Tessa's dummy falls out of her mouth and onto her blanket that she is wrapped in.

I pick up the dummy and put it back in her mouth. Tessa sucks on it as she sleeps. I pick my phone up and put it in my pocket. I slowly rock Tessa back and forward which makes her smile in her sleep.

I stand up and put Tessa back in her cot, Tessa starts squirming around again so I pick her back up. Tessa gets comfortable and stops squirming. It seems that Tessa likes sleeping in my arms then in the cot.

I leave the room and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I look at the time and make 3 warm bottles of milk for the baby's. I walk back upstairs with the bottles and sit down in the green chair. I take Tessa's dummy out and put the bottle near her mouth.

Tessa starts sucking on the bottle to get the milk out. I hold the bottle making sure it doesn't spill any where. Once Tessa finished the bottle I put it down and stand up. I pat Tessa on the back very softly and carefully as she burps 3 times.

I put the dummy back in her mouth and lay her down in the cot. I pick Willow up and feed her then Coral. I leave the kids room leaving the door half open. I walk downstairs and make George a sandwich. 

I walk upstairs and into George's office. George watches me place the sandwich on his desk and he smiles.

"How's the set up?" I ask

"I like it, better to what I had" George says "Thank you"

"No problem" I say

"Have you-"

"Yes I feed the kids, they are asleep and happy" I say. I look over at Chat who is very unsure about our relationship.

"Thank you, I am just trying to do some work but tomorrow I'll take care of the kids while you do some work okay?" George says

"I am not letting you take care of the kids by yourself" I say

"but you do it-"

"I am the one who left you alone with them for 3 days, let me return the favor to you" I say

"Are you sure?" George asks

"Very" I say

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