Chapter 71: Papa and mama are home

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(Tessa's pov)

After a while Willow and Coral stopped playing tea party with me but that's okay I have Mr Bear to keep me happy.

I pour Mr Bear a cup of tea. Mr Bear looks at me, his eye moves around the room then back at me.

"Where did your sisters go Tessa?" Mr bear asks. I shrug and pour myself a cup of fake tea.

"Well don't worry I will look after you Tessa, I won't leave" Mr bear says "Tessa, May I please have a nice drink of tea?"

I pick up Mr bear's cup and put it near his mouth.

"Ah thank you" Mr bear says. I move the cup away and put it on the table.

I take a sip of my fake tea then put it on the table. I hear a loud noise which makes me look at the door. The door opens and mama walks in.

"Hi my baby" Mama says

"Mwmw" I say. Mama picks me up and cuddles me close. 

Papa walks in and runs his fingers through my hair.

"Wanna see what papa got me?" Mama says. I nod.

Mama shows me a shiny thing on his finger. I touch it, it feels odd but I like it. I giggle and mama holds me closer. Papa walks over to Mr bear and walks back over to me.

"What did you name him?" Papa asks

"You have had him since 2 days after you were born so he has always been there for you, what did you call him?" Mama asks

"Mr Bwwr" I say

"Mr Bear?" Papa asks. I nod.

Papa gives me Mr Bear and I take him. Mama puts me down on the ground.

"We ae gonna go to your sisters now okay" Mama says. I nod.

Papa kisses me on the head and they both leave the room shutting the tall wooden thing behind them. I look down at Mr bear.

"Looks like Papa and mama are home" Mr bear says. I smile.

I put Mr bear down and pat him on the head. 

"Are you really for dinner Tessa? Are you hungry?" Mr bear says. I nod.

"Well that's good, I am sure dinner will be ready soon" Mr bear says. After a few minutes I hear my name being called.

"Tessa sweetie"

Something opens and Mama walks in. I pick up Mr bear and hold him close as Mama picks me up.

"Is Mr bear going to eat with us?" Mama asks. I nod and Mama smiles.

We walk downstairs and Mama sits me down in a tall chair and puts some food in front of me. I look at the thing that is sitting in my food. I look at Willow and Coral who are using the thing that is sitting in their food to put the food in their mouths.

I pick up the thing and try to put food on the thing but it falls off.

"Tessa sweetie your using it the wrong way" Mama says. I flip it over and put food on it.

I put the food in my mouth and eat it. It was nice and yummy and this makes me feel like I a older!

I continue to eat the food.

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