Chapter 72: Night

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(Willows pov)

"Come on girl's it's time for bed now" Mom says. Mom picks me up.

Mom and daddy both walk me upstairs into my room. Mom and dad put me and the others cot in our own rooms now and I don't really know why but I don't really mind that just means I don't have to hear the others crying.

Mom puts me down in my cot and kisses me on the head.

"Good night my baby" Mom says

"Nwght mwm" I say. Daddy walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead.

"Good night my blob, have sweet dream's" Daddy says. They both leave the room turning the light off.

I snuggle close to my blanket and close my eyes and fall asleep.

(Coral's pov)

Mum and dad put me down in my cot in my room.

I look around the floor to see my Minecraft mobs all over the floor. Mum puts the Minecraft squid in my cot and I cuddle close to it.

"Good night my darling" Mum says. Mum gives me a kiss on the head and dad walks over as well and gives me a kiss on the head.

"Good night sweetie" Dad says. Both mum and dad leave the room shutting the door behind them.

The light was off which I like, I like when it's dark it's my favorite time. I cuddle my squid and fall asleep.

(Tessa's pov)

Mama and papa put me down in my cot and they look at me.

"Good night my sweet angel" Mama says. Mama kisses me on the head.

Papa walks up and gives me a kiss on the head as well.

"Good night Tessa I hope you have the most wonderful Dream tonight and you can tell us all about it in the morning" Papa says. I nod and Mama turns on my night light.

Mama and papa leave the room turning off the big shiny thing on the roof behind them and also shutting the big wooden thing as well. I look down at Mr bear who looks up at me.

"Hello Tessa" Mr bear says. I cuddle Mr bear who still looks at me.

"Is it sleep time now?" Mr bear asks. I nod.

"Well you don't seem very tired" Mr bear says. I nod.

"How about we play for a little bit but we have to be quiet" Mr bear says. I close my eyes and feel myself being picked up and placed on the ground.

I open my eyes and look around to see I was on the ground. Me and Mr bear play with the toys for a bit which made me happy but also tired. I yawn and rub my eye.

"Tired now Tessa?" Mr bear asks. I nod.

I look at Mr bear who grows really big and looks scary but not scary to me. He picks me up and puts me in the cot then goes back to a plushie and lays next to me. I cuddle with Mr bear who looks up at me.

"We need to sleep now Tessa, it is very late and you need as much sleep as you can get so we can play all day tomorrow" Mr bear says. I yawn.

"Good night sweet Tessa have happy dream's and if you need me I am right here next to you" Mr bear says. I nod and pull the blanket over me and Mr bear.

I close my eyes and go to sleep.

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