Chapter 136: Merch designing

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(Dreams pov)

We walk upstairs to the 2nd story.

The girls are slowly following me. I look back at them and they look so tired from walking up the stairs to be fair this is the first time they have been up big stairs.

"We are almost there girls just a bit longer" I say

"Pwpw lwgw hwrt" Tessa says

"Daddy pick Twssa up" Willow says "Mw and Coral wwll bw finw" 

I look at Willow and nod. I pick Tessa up and carry her the rest of the way. We finished walking up the stairs and stop at the top. The girls look forward to see different rooms with different machines.

"Wow" Willow says. I point over to a big room and the girls look at it.

"That is where we are going to make things" I say "You girls ready?"

"Yws!" Willow says 

"Ywah" Coral says 

"Pwpw!" Tessa says. We walk over to the room and I open the door and the girls walk in. 

I shut the door behind us and I put Tessa on the ground. I pull out some chairs for the girls to sit on and they sit on them. 

"Okay I have a list of things that you girls wanted me to do so you can pick which ones you 100% want to happen" I say. I hand the girls a piece of paper with a red and green crayon. 

Willow takes the paper and Coral takes the crayons. The girls look down at the paper and Willow reads everything out loud the best she can. They nod and use the green crayon a lot but they did use the red for one and I wonder what it was but I will find out when the girls hand me the paper back.

Willow hands me the paper back and I look at it, the thing that has the red was a phone case of Drista and George together. I rise a eye brow and look at the girls who are looking at me. 

"Interesting" I say. I put the paper on the table and smile at the girls.

"The sad thing is that you have no idea what my channel is about" I say. The girls shake their heads.

"Wait you do know?" I ask

"Ywah mum showwd us and so did Tommy" Coral says 

"Wow okay well guess you guys can get designing" I say. I grab out some paper and give it to the girls each.

I give the girls a pencil and the girls start drawing. I nod and turn around to face the computer on the desk. After a few minutes the girls say they are done and I turn back around to them and look at the drawings but Tessa's is the best out of all of them, she must be a artist.

The designs are cute and that was what I was looking for.

"They are amazing I'll send them through" I say. I pick up the pictures and put them on my desk.

The girls ask for more paper and I give it to them.    

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