Chapter 196: Hospital and books

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(Dreams pov)

I let out a sigh and look at the books on the shelfs.

"Right time to get some new books" I say. I walk downstairs.

I grab my wallet and the car keys.

"Well I damn hope your going to the hospital to make sure that arm is fixed so you can drive" George says

"No George I am not going to the hospital-"

"Then I am taking these" George says. George takes the car keys.

"You have been putting that off anyways so your only going out if you go to the hospital" George says

"Okay fine!" I say. I take the car keys and leave the room.

I walk out to the car and get into the drivers side. I put my seatbelt on and shut the door.

"Hey dad"

I jump and scream a little. I look beside me to see that Coral is sitting in the passenger seat.

"Honey, you can't sit in the passenger seat your to little" I say "If your gonna come with me then your gonna have to be in the back seat"

"Okay" Coral says. Coral sits in the back seat and puts her seatbelt on.

I start to drive away and Coral looks happy.

"So where are we going?" Coral asks

"Your mother is making me go to the hospital to see if my arm is better then we are going book shopping" I say

"Books?" Coral says "Books are for nerds"

"Oh honey you will understand some day" I say "Books are amazing I mean have you read one before?"

"No I haven't I am not that old" Coral says

"Yeah I know" I say

"Maybe I will read a book when we getting some new books then" Coral says "But if I hate it you won't make me read books again right?"

"Only if you have to for your homework when you get into school" I say

"Ugh we are still so young so don't talk about that stuff" Coral says

"Do you even know what school is?" I ask

"Nope and I don't wanna know until I am older" Coral says

"Well school will come sooner or later so make sure you are ready to talk about it" I say. I pull up at the hospital and get out of the car.

Coral gets out and shuts the car door behind her, I do the same. I lock the car and me and Coral walk inside, Coral grabbed a hold of my hand while we were walking which made me smile brightly.

I walk up to the desk and the lady looks up at me.


"Dream" I say. The lady looks at me.

"Sorry that's what I like people to call me you know any anyways my name is Clay Evans" I say. The lady raises a eyebrow.

"Clayton Evans" I say with a growl. The lady starts to type and look at her computer.

"It's about time you got here we have been trying to reach out to you to get you down here"

"Yeah sorry about that, I have been very busy you know" I say and giggling a bit. The lady looks at me with just a face of annoyed.

"Right where do I need to go?" I ask

"Upstairs and to the room that is about broken bones, trust me you can't miss it for a mile"

"Okay thank you" I say. Me and Coral walk upstairs and to the area that say's broken bones.

We walk in and up to the lady who takes one look at me then points to a room and I walk in. I sit down on the chair and Coral jumps up and sits on my lap. The doctor walks in and sits down on the other chair.

"About time Dream we have been waiting for you"

"Sorry I have been very busy" I say

"Okay well your here now and that's what matters"

I hold out my arm and the doctor looks at it. The doctor takes the cast off my arm and nods.

"It's all healed, your lucky usually people have to spend more time with a broken arm just with out the cast so be happy"

"Oh I am happy don't you worry about that" I say. The doctor looks up at Coral and Coral looks at her.

"Is this one of yours?"

"Yes this is my daughter Coral, she is the middle triplet" I say

"Ah, she doesn't like much like you"

"Yes I know, she is more of her mother then me but she does have a little me in there" I say "Now can we leave? I wanna do some book shopping"

"Book shopping?"

"Yeah book shopping" I say "I like reading leave me alone"

"Okay well yes you can leave and make sure you be safe out there"

"Oh I will don't worry" I say. I stand up and pick Coral up.

I walk out to the car and put Coral in her seat and shut the door. I get into my seat then shut the door as well. Me and Coral both put our seatbelt on at the same time.

"Right, are we ready?" I ask

"YES WE ARE" Coral says

"Then let's get rolling!" I say. I start up the car and start driving to the bookshop, Me and Coral where both dancing to the music I was playing.

I pull up at the book shop and get out of the car, Coral following me. I lock the car and we walk inside the bookshop. I look around at all the books while Coral ran over to the kids books but idk why but she picks out the chapter books for 8-12 people of age.

I sigh as Coral opens the book and starts reading. I look at the different books and pick out some new ones that I don't have. Coral runs up to me with her arms full of books.

"I LIKE BOOKS AND READING" Coral says. I smile.

"Okay okay I will buy them for you" I say

"Thank you dad!" Coral says

"No problem" I say. After a while I ended up getting a shopping trolley that is owned by a different store and it is full to the top, we had books falling out over the top.

I pay for the books and Coral helps me put everything in the car. Once we finished I put the trolley back and get into the car with Coral. I start to drive home.

I was playing music while driving home which me and Coral are dancing to.

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