Chapter 40: Truth

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(Dreams pov)

It was a few day's later after George beat Wilbur for hurting Tessa.

I was laying in bed while George was in his office streaming. George had Willow with him while he was streaming to show her things even through she is a baby, I have to look after little Tessa and the staring demon Coral.

I was looking at all Twitter then onto TikTok. I stop when I get a message from Tommy telling me he has something to tell me. I call Tommy and he answers pretty quickly.

"Dream! I have something to tell you!" Tommy yells

"Okay you need to calm down first then tell me okay?" I say 

"Okay okay" Tommy says. Tommy takes a few deep breaths.

"Okay now you can tell me what's wrong" I say

"Clay, I asked my dad about who is my real mother and he said that he left when I was only so young and tried to fight for my brother because my brother shouldn't be with the devil" Tommy says "Look Dream what I am trying to tell you is that, I am your blood brother"

"I fucking knew it!" I yell

"Dad said that he wants to see you after I told him that we have been friends for awhile" Tommy says

"It would be the only time I would see him" I say "I don't remember my father at all"

"Well he wants to see you and see how your going in life" Tommy says "And maybe I should move down to live with you"

"Live with us?" I say

"No no, live near you guy's not with you guys" Tommy says 

"Okay, I was about to say, I don't think living with us would be a good idea you know" I say

"Yeah, I know" Tommy says "So does that mean I get to call you Clay? Or Clayton?" 

"Clay" I say "I don't really like Clayton it just doesn't sound like me much" I say

"I agree, Clay is a lot better" Tommy says 

"Or you know you could just call me brother because that's what I am right?" I say

"Yeah you are, brother" Tommy says "Anyways how are the little ones? Are they doing okay?"

"You didn't tell dad about the girls did you?" I ask

"Nope, I am leaving that for you and that's for you to say not me, I am not the father" Tommy says  

"But you are the uncle" I say

"Oh my god, your right, I am the uncle to the little ones!" Tommy says "I am so happy that I am, they are so cute"

"Yeah I know" I say

"Coral is going to be the trouble maker" Tommy says

"You think?" I ask

"Yeah! I can see it in her eyes, she would be the one to have like a knife or lighter collection" Tommy says

"Eh" I say

"You would let her have a lighter or knife collection?!" Tommy says 

"I had one" I say

"Your kidding right?" Tommy says

"No" I say "I'll let her, I can't hold her back forever Tommy"

"Yeah I guess" Tommy says. I start to hear soft crying.

"Tommy I have to go, Tessa and Coral are calling me to come feed them and cuddle with them" I say

"Okay, I'll tell dad that he is very welcomed to come and see you" Tommy says 

"Thanks brother" I say

"Anytime brother" Tommy says. I hang up the call.

I walk over to the baby's room and take care of the little angle, demons.

Hello guys I thought I would tell you that I got hurt yesterday so it hurts a lot so my posts might be bad but anyways enough about me back to the story or book what ever you like to call it.

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