Chapter 92: Late night

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(Dreams pov)

I pull up at the house and get out of the car.

I walk over to the side Tessa is on. I open the door and get Tessa out of the car and she is still awake. I grab Mr bear and give him to Tessa then I shut the car door. I lock the car and walk up to the front door.

I unlock the front door and walk in. I shut and lock the front door behind me then walk into the lounge room. 

"So Tessa we have to be quiet because everyone is asleep okay? I am going to put to you to bed and you have t sleep then you can play in the morning okay?" I say. Tessa nods.

I pick Tessa up and walk upstairs. I walk into Tessa's room and put her down in her cot. I pull the blanket over her nd she moves a bit.

"Does it feel odd because you just slept in a real bed for 2 nights and now your back in a cot?" I ask. Tessa nods.

I smile then kiss Tessa on the head.

"Have sweet dreams my little one and if you need me or if you can't sleep just climb out or you know just call for me" I say

"Okwy pwpw" Tessa says. I kiss Tessa on the head again then turn on her night light.

I walk over to the door and turn off the light.

"Night my little one" I say. I walk out of the room and shut the door.

"Nwghty nwght pwpw" Tessa says. I smile then walk over to mine and Georges room.

I open the door and walk in. I shut the door behind me. I walk over to the closet and change into my black short shorts and take my shirt off. 


I jump and look over at the bed to see George who is sitting up and has turned on his side light.

"Sweetie" I say

"Your home?" George says

"Yeah, the doctor took some blood tests on Tessa and she was all clear then they said I could take her home" I say

"Why didn't you come home late?" George says

"Well me and Tessa left at 11:32 pm from the hospital then I stopped at a park because Tessa wanted to see the stars then we came straight home after that" I say

"Where's Tessa now?" George asks

"She's in bed" I say. I walk over to my side of the bed and lay down on it.

I pull the blanket over me and George lays back down. George turns the side light off and the room turns really dark. I roll over to face George and he has his back to me. I move over to him and wrap my arms around him.

"I am sorry for waking you up baby I didn't mean to" I say

"I am not mad that you woke me up I am just happy that I did wake up and I can now see that your home now" George says "Instead of waking up and screaming because I didn't hear you come in last night"

"Yeah that is true" I say "But lets go to sleep now, I need rest"

"Good night honey" George says 

"Good night baby" I say. Soon after George falls into a deep sleep.

Me following close behind him.

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