Chapter 62: Sick

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up to the feeling of someone putting their hand on my forehead.

I look over to see George sitting on the bed with his hand on my forehead. George looks at me then moves his hand away.

"Your sick" George says

"How long have I been out for?" I ask

"2 days" George says

"I am sorry for running off and going to leave, I won't do it again" I say

"And I am sorry for not believing you and your right, I should believe you over my mother and I looked at the cameras" George says "Just don't leave me okay?"

"I won't" I say. George stands up and walks out of the room then comes back after a few seconds.

George has a towel and a bowl of water in his hands. George sits on the bed and puts the towel in the water then take it out. George puts the towel on my forehead.

"Keep that there" George says

"Okay" I say. George puts the bowl down on the bedside table and he looks at me.

George puts his hand on my cheek.

"Your skin is soft" George says "I never really noticed it"

"George don't touch me, I don't need you getting sick then the girl's getting sick, sick baby's are very hard and we don't need that so please try to stay away from me the best you can" I say. George moves his hand away.

"They miss you" George says

"They are just baby's they can't really miss anyone" I say

"That's not true and you know that" George says

"How are they?" I ask

"Well Tessa hasn't said her first word yet and she loves tea party's and she doesn't sleep much at all, Willow is calm and is happy, she plays with Tessa most of the time but it seems she liked birds and then Coral, she's still playing with her Minecraft mobs and she has also been playing a lot with Tessa as well, Me I am doing okay I have just been looking after you and the baby's but cooking new things and trying to cook is going good and Tommy has been here almost everyday because he doesn't want to miss Tessa's first word" George says "I haven't streamed and I have been wanting to tell everyone what's been going on and show them how big the girl's have gotten"

"That's a lot of words for my brain right now" I say

"Okay okay I won't say anything more then" George says

"Thank you for looking after me" I say

"Anytime hon" George says

"Finally found the perfect nickname?" I ask

"Yes but it feels odd because we aren't like married so calling you hon is odd but I like it anyways" George says. I start coughing.

George puts his hand on my leg.

"Sorry" I say

"No need to be sorry, it's not your fault that you fell sick" George says "Everyone gets sick"

"But if I didn't go outside last night I wouldn't be sick right now" I say

"Hon don't blame yourself please you and I both know that you were going to get soon after your surgery" George says

"I didn't?!" I say. George looks at me.

"You didn't?" George asks

"No" I say

"Oh, well the doctor's said that you were going to get sick after your surgery but they didn't know when" George says

"Bro why didn't they tell me like god" I say "I am the one who had the surgery not you so they should have told me"

"Well maybe they didn't want you to worry" George says. I start coughing again.

"Hon just sleep, you need your sleep" George says "Plus sleep is good while your sick it will make you feel better"

"Okay okay" I say "I love you sweetie"

"I love you too Hon" George says. George stands up and walks over to the door.

George opens the door and turns off the light. George leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

I cough then fall asleep as through I am very tired.

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