Chapter 93: Video games

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up before everyone else because that's what I do.

I do my morning stuff. While I was cooking breakfast I felt something lean onto my leg. I look down to see Tessa who has Mr bear in her arms. 

"Did you sleep well sweetie?" I ask

"Yws" Tessa says 

"That's good" I say. I hear footsteps walk down the stairs which makes me and Tessa both look over.

George walks over to me and hugs me from behind, he makes sure not to step on Tessa while he is hugging me as well. George pulls away and looks down at Tessa. George picks Tessa up and kisses her on the forehead.

"So Clay I am going out to hang with some friends today, sorry for not telling you last night but can you please look after the girls while I go out?" George asks

"Yeah of course" I say 

"Thank you" George says


"I am going now" George says. I walk over to George who kisses me on the lips then leaves.

I hear a car leave and I let out a sigh. I walk into my office and sit down in my chair. The door opens and I look over to see Coral, Willow and Tessa sitting on the ground staring at me. I pull out my phone and start filming them sitting on the ground.

"So like I sat down in my chair in my office then the door opens and I looked over and I just see this" I say. The girls stare at me.

I smile then laugh. I stop filming and put my phone on the desk. 

"Go downstairs into the lounge room I will be there soon" I say. I watch as all the girl's crawl away but Tessa.

Tessa is having a hard time crawling and rolling around from her broken arm. I stand up and walk over to Tessa and I pick her up. I walk downstairs but I make sure to have my phone on me before I leave.

I walk into the lounge room, Willow and Coral are both sitting on the lounge waiting for me and Tessa. I put Tessa on the lounge and walk over to the TV. I look back at the girls who are watching me.

"Dwddy, whwt dw ywu dw fwr w lwvwwng?" Willow asks

"I am a Youtuber, I play video games for a living but now I look after you guys" I say

"Can ww play somw vwdwo gamws?" Coral says

"Sure but we can't tell Mommy otherwise she will be very upset with me" I say. I look at the different Xbox games.

I look through them to try and find a good one for the girls to play. I decided that I was going to let the girls play slime rancher but the only bad thing is that it is only one player but it would be good to teach them how to share.

I put the game in and hand Willow the remote and she start playing but of course I got her into a new game save file thing. I sit down on the lounge and Tessa sits on my lap and I hold her on.

I watch as Coral and Willow both play and they were learning how to share.

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