Chapter 83: Bye bye

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up early and get ready. 

Me and George packed last night while the girls were asleep and we are ready to go. I shake George who groans and looks at me.

"5 more minutes" George mumbles.

"Come on Phil is waiting for us at his house" I say. George groans again then gets out of bed.

George gets ready and I leave the room and walk into Willow's room. Willow was packing a bag which makes me smile.

"Honey you don't need to pack" I say

"Bwt arwnt ww cwmwwng wwth ywu?" Willow says

"No no your staying with uncle Phil for a while" I say. Willow frowns which breaks my heart a little.

Willow starts crying and I pull her into a hug.

"Hww lwng wwll ywu bw gwnw fwr" Willow says 

"Only a week" I say

"Wwll ywu cwll ws wvwy nwght?" Willow says 

"Yes yes I will call you every night, me and mommy are gonna call you every night the best we can" I say. Willow pulls away from me.

"Okwy" Willow says. I kiss Willow on the cheek and she giggles.

"Don't worry uncle Phil will take care of you" I say "He's a very nice man"

Willow nods.

"And don't worry we and mommy will be back before Christmas" I say. The door opens.

"Come on Hon we have to get going, Coral and Tessa are waiting in the car and it's really hot out" George says

"Okay we are coming" I say. George leaves the room and I pick Willow up.

I walk outside making sure I had everything and the door is locked tight. I walk to the car and put Willow in her seat and put the seatbelt thing on Willow. I get into the drivers seat and look back at the girls.

Tessa has Patches asleep on her lap which makes m smile and giggling a little. I turn back to the front and put my seatbelt on. I start driving to Phil's house. Once we got there I get the girls out of the car and take them inside.

I sit on the ground and the girls turn around to look at me. George sits down next to me and holds my arm.

"Come say goodbye to us girls" I say. Willow crawls as fast as she can up to me and gives me a hug.

Coral crawls up to me and George as well and gives us a hug, Tessa following close behind. I kiss Willow, Coral and Tessa on the head.

"Good bye lovely's we will be back soon enough I promise" I say. Me and George leave and we get in the car and drive to the airport.

Me and George get out of the car and take our stuff into the airport. I drove my car into the place where we can put our cars when we leave. I lock the car and me and George go into the airport. We put our bags on the bag thing then get on the plane.

I sit down in my seat and George sits down next to me. I look out the window and George looks at me. George puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" George says

"I am fine" I say. I look at George and fake a smile.

George falls for it and smiles back. I look back out the window. Me and George decided that we were going to South America (Thank you for telling me the right one)

"I am ready, are you ready?" George says

"Yeah yeah I am ready" I say. George smiles and puts his seatbelt on.

I put my seatbelt on and look out the window. I watch as we lift into the air and our home town looks so small. I put my hand on the window. George looks at me and I know he is. I move my hand away as all I can see now is just water.

I lean back in my chair and let out a soft sigh.

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