Chapter 31: Close call

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(Dreams pov)

I was at the airport waiting for them and I honestly can't wait anymore, I need to see my baby's.

I make sure that I had the baby sits in my car so we can take the home to where they are safe and sound. I look over at the air port doors and my family walks in. Shit, I run behind a wall and hide away. I pull out my phone and text George that my family is here and I am hiding at the moment.

I watch as they look like they are waiting for someone to walk out so they can take them home. I hear a plane called and people start walking out. I see George who is pushing a pram. George looks at his phone and walks over to the bag place and picks up his bag.

I whistle and George looks over at me. I nod to the outside and George nods. George walks outside and I slowly follow. My mother looks at me and I quickly run outside. I hear someone running after me and it makes me run faster.

I run around the car park and I couldn't hear someone following me anymore. I go back to the car and unlock it. I help George put the kids in the car seats. Once they were in the seats, George gets in the car and puts his seatbelt on.

I get in the car as well. I put my seatbelt on and shut the door. I put the keys in there sport. I look out the back window to see my mom trying to run over to me. I pull out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"That was close" I say

"Now I am worried that your mom will come to us and she might hunt us down and she might hurt the kids" George says

"We will be okay" I say "We will take and care for them"

"I trust you more then anyone in the world Clay I hope you know that" George says

"I know" I say. I drive into the driveway of my house and stop.

I pull the keys out and me and George both get out of the car. I walk over to the backseat and open the door. I take Tessa and Willow out then walk to the front door. I open it and put Tessa and Willow on the lounge.

I walk back out to the car and shut the car door's then lock the car. I walk back inside then shut/lock the door behind me. I help George help the kids to their cots then show George to his room.

I go to my room and sit down on my bed. I let out a long sigh and lay back on the bed. I put a pillow on my face and scream into it. I am a bit worried but I am more angry and worried, we have a close call because of my mistake of leaving.

I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

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