Chapter 178: Back with random stuff

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(Dreams pov)

I was having fun streaming and talking with chat which is something we haven't done in a while.

I hear the door unlock which makes me look over at it. Willow runs in and jumps into my arms.

"Daddy!" Willow says 

"Hey blob" I say. Coral runs over to me and crawls into my lap.

"Ww misswd you" Coral says 

"I missed you guy's too" I say. Tessa walks over to me and crawls onto the bed and sits down.

George locks the car after bring everything in then he shuts and locks the door. George walks over to me and kisses me on the lips then pulls away.

"Willow, Coral, Tessa say hello to chat!" I say 

"Hiiiii chat!" Willow says 

"Sup" Coral says 

"Chwt" Tessa says. Chat starts saying hi back.

"Hey chat, I hope Clay didn't make any of you upset otherwise he would have words with me" George says 

"Why would I make chat upset? They have feelings as well, they are people in this world" I say 

"That is very true" George says 

"What did you buy" I say 

"Shit we don't need but I brought it anyways" George says. I hold out my hand and George takes out his wallet.

I stand up and put the girls on the bed and walk out of the camera view. George hands me his card and I take it. I put the card in my wallet then I put my wallet in my pocket. I sit down on the bed and smile brightly. 

"I am gonna go for a shower, make sure to keep chat happy" I say 

"Don't worry Clay we will" George says. I smile and walk into the bathroom with my Pj's which is a white t-shirt and some really short black pants.

I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I get undressed and start the shower. I get into the shower and make sure that it's nice warm. After a few minutes I get out of the shower and dry myself off. 

I get changed into my clothes and walk out of the bathroom. George looks at me as I sit down next to him. George runs his fingers through my wet hair.

"Your hair is getting really longggg" George says 

"Yeah I know" I say. I shake my hair like a dog which wets George and the girls.

"Clay!" George says. I laugh a little as my hair hides my eyes.

George moves my hair away from my eyes then he hands me some tea. I take a sip out of the tea. George takes the tea and I smile at him.

"Thanks honey" I say

"No problem" George says. After a few seconds I started to feel very tired to the point I just passed out...

(George's pov)

I look at Dream who is about to fall asleep.

I catch Dream as he passes out and falls backwards almost onto Tessa. I lay Dream down on my lap.

"Mommy can you plwasw stop doing that to daddy" Willow says 

"Doing what sweetie?" I ask

"Putting slwwping stuff in daddy's drinks" Willow says 

"Sweetie I have to otherwise daddy won't be able to sleep" I say "We want daddy to sleep don't we?"

"Yws" Willow says in a sad voice.

"Chat can you also not tell Clay that I do this, he has no idea and I wanna keep it that way so he can sleep" I say. Chat agrees.

"Thanks" I say. I watch as Tessa and Coral fall asleep on Dream.

I smile and continue the stream like I said I would to Dream.

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