Chapter 116: Family get away

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(Dreams pov)

George said we need to have a family get away and I agree but we have no where to go that was until George said we going to where it all started, we are going to my family get away house that originally had no service.

This is the place which holds holds all the memories that make me very upset. I wasn't packing my bags because I refuse to go the house.

"Come on Clay you have to pack" George says 

"I am not going, I would rather stay here" I say

"Clay the doctor says that it's not a good idea for you to stay home alone by yourself" George says. George was right, the doctor said it wouldn't be a good idea for me to be alone anymore.

"Then I guess we aren't going then" I say. George gives me a serious face.

I ended up sitting in the passenger seat of the car. George gets in the car.

"That's everything, everyone ready and excited?" George says 

"Yws!" Willow says 

"Ywp" Coral says 

"Mwmw!" Tessa says

"No" I say  

"Yes yes we know you don't wanna go Clay but it will be good to get away for once" George says 

"In the place that holds horrible memories for me" I whisper

"What was that?" George asks

"Nothing, I said nothing" I say

"Alright, Clay do you want to play your songs?" George asks

"But swearing" I say

"Eh" George says "Girls you okay with swearing songs?"

"Yws" Willow says

"I swwar a lot anywayw with owt swarwng songs" Coral says. Tessa nods really fast.

I pull out my phone and Bluetooth it to my car. I click on my Spotify playlist and play it. I put my phone down next to me and lean back in my chair. George pulls out from the driveway and starts driving away from the house. 

I feel something jump on my lap which makes me look down to see Patches is curled up on my lap. I pat Patches on the head and she purrs very softy. I look to the back to see that Tessa is playing with Mr bear.

I look and freeze in place as George pulls up at my parents house. He gets out of the car and walks inside, it takes George a while then he walks out and gets back in the car.

"Your mum wouldn't tell me where to go but your dad did" George says

"He's not my father" I say. George pulls out of the driveway after he puts his seatbelt back on.

George puts his phone up so he can see where he is going. I look at the phone to see it was the right place we are going and yep it was. I lean back and close my eyes.

"Daddy arw ywu okay?" Willow asks

"I'll be just fine my blob" I say "I am fine"

I face the back and smile at Willow who smiles back. I face the front and let out a soft sigh. I look at George who is forced on driving. I look down at Patches and pat her as she purrs in her sleep.

This is gonna be a long week or maybe 2.

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