Chapter 190: Clay...I am-

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(Dreams pov)

Now George never told me about this but he brought stuff from amazon while we were away and asked Tommy to bring them inside and hide them in George's office and he thought I wouldn't find out but I did but that doesn't matter because we are gonna open them on stream as well as the stuff we brought while we were away.

Now it has been a few days after we got home and I do have something to say I guess...We came back on April 12th and 2 days later me and George just hit it off when we got home anyways that doesn't matter I just wanna get this stream over with.

"Heyyy chat how you doing" I say. Willow, Coral and Tessa all agreed they wanted to be on the stream for some reason and with their new kittens as well.

"Are you guy's ready to see what we brought while we were away and what George brought behind my back on amazon" I say. I watch as Chat goes happy and the girls are also happy.

"Right lets get into it then" I say. After a few minutes my arms where tired because how many stuff George brought.

"Daddy where is mommy?" Willow asks

"Your mother is sleeping, I know he is very lazy" I say. Willow laughs a little.

"I guess he can sometimes" Willow says 

"Are you kidding me? we all know mum is lazy" Coral says 

"Yeah true" Willow says "Anyways daddy when are we having a baby sister?"

"I already asked that today you can't ask it now and you said that on a stream" Coral says 

"Coral sweetie it's fine" I say 

"Okay dad" Coral says. I hear the door open which makes me look over.

George looks at me and I smile.

"Hey honey what's up?" I ask "I thought you were sleeping"

"Yeah I was then I woke up" George says 

"That's how it works" I say. George walks over to me.

"Can you stand up please" George says

"Yeah I can" I say. I stand up and George hands me a pregnancy test.

I take the test and look down at it. My face turns to shock and I look up at George who nods. I look back down at the pregnancy test was positive. 

"Is something wrong daddy?" Willow asks

"Girls your having a bother or sister" I say. I watch as Willow and Coral both scream which makes me jump.

I look at George and hug him tightly. Willow and Coral both hug us as well.

"This is great!" Coral says "We are gonna be older sisters!"

"By a year" George says 

"Don't be such a downer hon" I say 

"Can we talk later?" George whispers

"Yes of course but for now get some rest" I whisper

"Yeah I will" George whispers. I kiss George on the cheek which makes him smile.

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you too" George whispers

"I love you more" I whisper

"Are you having a boy for girl?" Coral asks

"We won't know until a few months sweetie" I say 

"Aw okay" Coral says. George smiles.

George puts his head on my chest and smiles. 

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