Chapter 112: Problem

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(Dreams pov)

I was sitting in the doctors office waiting for my named to be called so they can see what is wrong with me.

I was very uncomfortable in this waiting area because there are many sick people, people are coughing and there are baby's crying it is making me scared and reminds me of something but I push it away.

"Clayton Evans?"

"It's Clay" I mumble. I stand up and walk into the doctors room and sit down on the chair.

"So Clay is it?" 

"Yeah" I say

"So what's been happening?"

"Every time I am around my parents I am like scared and bad things happen and and I just don't want to see them and when I do it sends memories I don't want to see ever again in my mind" I say

"Clay what was your childhood like?"

I freeze up and try to shake all the memories of the past away.

"I had a horrible childhood, I have seen things that you should never see when your a child and things that should have never happen" I say

"What happened yesterday?" 

"I pulled over because I was upset and all of a I fell into the steering wheel and I started to feel sick and I fell into the door" I say

"Well that would just be a normal sickness but I can say one thing" 

"Yes go on" I say 

"Dream you may have PTSD" 

"What?" I say 

"Post-traumatic stress disorder" 

"How" I say

"It seems that your childhood was very traumatic and now you have PTSD from it, the signs are very clear"

"I..." I stop and look down at the ground. I let out a soft sigh then look back up at the doctor.

"I am sorry if this makes you a bit upset but it seems to be the truth and I have to tell you wants wrong don't I"

"Yeah don't worry about it I am going to take it just fine" I say


I am not talking this fine at all.

I have PTSD and it's making me realize so many things. It's the reason why I hate seeing them. I walk into the kitchen where everyone was sitting.

"So how did it go?" George says 

"I have PTSD" I say. George turns to look at me.

Willow looks at me confused and so does the other girls.

"Mommy whwt ws PTSD?" Willow asks. I walk into the lounge room and sit down.

"Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it" George says 

"Why dows Daddy havw PTSD?" Willow asks

"Your father has seen many things in his life and have been in many things that have been very traumatic to him and it has stuck with him for a long time and has given him a long time thing" George says "Now girls we have to be very nice to daddy and give him lots of love and be here for him okay?"

"Okay Mommy" Willow says 

"Okay mum" Coral says

"Mwmw!" Tessa says. George walks into the lounge room.

"Have you noticed that Willow is American, Coral is British and Tessa is just a mix of both" George says 

"Yes I have noticed that" I say. George sits down next to me.

"The signs were so clear how didn't I see it" I say

"Because Clay we didn't know, no one knew" George says 

"But the symptoms were so clear, flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event" I say

"But what main event gave it to you" George says 

"I have been through so many traumatic things that I can't pick one, I have been hit and through arguments and when I am around them they just hit and hate me" I say

"Clay don't think about it" George says. I nod and lean back on the lounge.

"I need to feed the girls some lunch do you want some once I am done cooking it?" George asks

"Yes please" I say. George stands up and walks out of the room.

"George wait" I say "Can I also have some Chocolate milk with it?"

I hear George giggle then he walks back into the kitchen.

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