Chapter 26: Going home to make a room

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(Dreams pov)

Today is the day I go home and make a room for George and the kids.

George doesn't feel comfortable when we sleep in the same bed at the moment so I am going to make a room for him to sleep in. I was packing my things at the moment and George was trying his best to calm the kids down.

"CLAY HELP ME OVER HERE" George yells out 


"CLAY" George yells

"OKAY HOLD ON" I yell back. I stand up and walk out of the room and into the kids room.

George was holding Willow trying to calm her. I look at the cots to see Coral crying and Tessa was asleep. I pick Coral up and hold her. I try to calm her down, I rock her back and forward but that didn't work.

I look down at Coral and she looks up at me. Coral stares at me which makes her stop crying. I put Coral back down in the cot. I look at George who looks at me.

"I can't go with you to the airport I need to stay here with the kids" George says

"Yeah I know, I am not dumb" I say "I already know that your staying here with the kids while I go to the airport"

"I am glad you already knew that otherwise it would end very badly and I really don't want that" George says 

"Okay whatever I am going to continue packing my things" I say

"Okay" George says. I walk back into the room I have been staying in.

I pack up my things and walk to the kids room. I kiss Willow, Coral and Tessa on the head then walk over to George. I kiss him on the lips and look at him.

"Don't take to long okay? I wanna leave here as soon as I can" George says

"I won't take to long I promise" I say

"Okay" George says. I leave the house and get a cab to the airport.

Once I got to the airport I get out of the cab giving the driver his money then walking into the airport. I hear my plane get called out. I put my bags in the bag area then walk onto the plane. I sit down in my chair and look out the window.

I was leaving my kids already but only for a little bit, Only for a little bit that's all just got to set up 2 rooms and I will see them again. A man sits down next to me and looks at me.

"It looks like your leaving something behind aren't you?"

"Yeah" I say 


"How did you" I look at the guy "Know"

"I am a fan of yours, don't worry I am not going to kidnap you or something I just know about the kids and I just can't believe I am sitting next to the Dream! I am just so happy"

"Okay okay calm down, do you want me to sign something?" I ask

"Yes yes yes! Oh shit I am sorry"

"It's fine don't worry about it" I say.

And that's how a new friendship started. 

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