Chapter 110: Something wrong

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(Dreams pov)

I get the girls out of the car and we walk into the mall.

We walk around the place and brought many different things. I am been trying to get away from the whole family thing but nothing can really change my mind off things. Once we bought everything I start driving again but I couldn't drive home I have to much on my mind.

I drive around as tears fell my eyes. I pull onto grass and let my head fall onto the steering wheel. I start to feel sick in the stomach and my head started to ache. 

"Daddy?" Willow says. I fall into the door.

"Pwpw!" Tessa yells. Mr bear grows big and gets out from the back and opens the drivers seat door.

I fall into Mr bear's arms who pulls me out of the car.

"I am gonna have to call George" Mr bear says 

"No no I am fine..." I say 

"No your not" Mr bear says. Mr bear puts me in the passenger seat and puts my seatbelt on.

Mr bear turns into a human form and shuts the car doors. Mr bear puts his seatbelt on and starts driving the car. I hear the phone ring through the Bluetooth speaker. 

"George?" Mr bear says 

"Mr bear" George says "Why are you calling through Dream's phone did something happen?!"

"Yes something happened" Mr bear says "I think something is wrong with Dream he just like suddenly fell onto the steering wheel then he fell into the door"

"Where are you?! Are you at home?! Are the girls okay!" George yells

"No we are not at home, I am driving home now and the girls are safe with me and yes Dream is here to he is laying in the passenger seat and he looks out cold but I know he's not" Mr bear says "I am happy you asked that your husband's okay"

"I am just worried okay" George says "Clay honey are you okay? Can you hear me?"

I groan and try to move but I fall into the door.

"He fell into the door again" Mr bear says 

"You do know how to drive right?" George asks

"Yeah" Mr bear says. I try to move again but I couldn't.

"Clay please say something" George says 

"Sick" I say. I feel very sick but this wasn't very normal.

Mr bear looks at me then back at the road. 

"Don't worry Dream when we get home I will get the girls inside then lay you down on your bed and get you something to make you feel better but I might have to pick up George first okay?" Mr bear says 

"Just pick me up now we have room in the car" George says

"No you don't" Mr bear says

"The back has another 3 seats you can just sit them up for less room or down for more room" George says "Just come pick me up now!"

"Okay okay I am turning around and heading your way" Mr bear says "Oh and if you see a brown haired man with dark skin driving the car please don't hurt me I am just in my new human form"

"Okay okay just hurry up please!" George yells

"Yes yes okay" Mr bear says. I look at the girls who are very worried and are looking at me.

I close my eyes and pass out.

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