Chapter 123: Time with Daddy

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(Willows pov)

"Girl's it's time for breakfast" Mommy says. Me, Coral and Tessa all stand up and run into the kitchen.

We sit at the table and mommy puts waffles in front of us. 

"What do you girls want to drink?" Mommy asks

"Chocolate milk!" Coral says

"Applw!" Tessa says 

"I'll just havw somw watwr" I say. Mommy gets us the drinks and puts them in front of us.

Coral takes her Chocolate milk and drinks half of it already. After we finished the breakfast, Mommy takes Tessa and Coral out to go shopping, I said I would stay so I can spend time with Daddy. 

Mommy drives away and I watch as the car is gone. I walk over to Mommy and Daddy's room and knock on the door. I hear footsteps walk over to the door and it slowly opens. I look up and Daddy looks down at me.

"Blob, what are you doing here?" Daddy asks

"I havw comw to spwnd twmw wwth you" I say 

"Spend time with me?" Daddy asks

"Ywah" I say

"I think your better off spending time with mommy or your sisters" Daddy says

"Wwll to bad your suck wwth mw" I say. Daddy closes the door and I cross my arms.

I am not upset and I do understand why he's like this but maybe he needs someone to talk to about what's going on. I walk into the kitchen and I take a stepping stool. I put it near the fridge and I step on top of it.

I open the fridge and pull out the waffles that are for daddy. I close the fridge and put the waffles on the counter. I get onto the counter and heat up the waffles until they were perfect. I put some maple syrup on the waffles which I know daddy likes and I know he likes strawberries on his waffles as well.

I put strawberries on the waffles and then I get off the counter with the plate of waffles in my hands. I walk over to mommy and daddy's room. I knock on the door and the door slowly opens. I look up and Daddy looks down at me.

I hold up the plate of waffles to daddy and he takes it.

"Thank you" Daddy says

"No problwm" I say. Daddy walks inside the room and I follow.

Daddy shuts the door and he sits on the floor. I sit down on the ground next to daddy and he starts eating his waffles. Daddy takes a strawberry off and hands it to me. I take the strawberry and eat it.

Daddy finishes his waffles and puts the plate on the desk in the room. I look around the room which is very small, I am not sure how daddy and mommy's stuff even fit in this room. Daddy picks me up and places me down on the bed.

Daddy sits down next to me.

"So what are we gonna do?" Daddy asks

"Lwt's bakw thwngs!" I say

"Okay, what else?" Daddy asks

"Maybw ww could play ball wn thw back yard" I say

"Okay okay lets go bake some things then" Daddy says. Daddy gets off the bed and so do I.

Daddy opens the door and we both leave the room.

"Okay what are we baking?" Daddy asks

"Cookiws!" I say

"What type of cookies?" Daddy asks

"Sugar cookiws!" I say

"Okay lets make some sugar cookies" Daddy says. Daddy picks me up and we walk into the kitchen.

Daddy puts me down and looks through everything. I move the stepping stool so I can see over the counter and work on the counter. 

"So what do ww nwwd?" I ask

"2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 large egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract" Daddy says

"Wow, you sound likw googlw" I say. Daddy giggles.

He pulls everything out and gets it all ready. We start making the sugar cookies and Daddy lets me help him a lot. We put them in the oven and let them cook. After we let them cool and put icing on them.

I eat one and it is really good.

"Good?" Daddy asks. I nod really fast and I must have icing on my face because Daddy starts laughing.

Daddy grabs a cloth and wipes my face.

"Ready to go play outside while we let the others sit so we can ice them.

"Yws!" I say. I run over to the door and Daddy follows behind.

We walk outside to the back and Daddy picks up a soft ball. Daddy throws the ball at me and I catch it. I throw it back and Daddy catches it.

"Go long!" Daddy yells. I start running behind me and Daddy throws the ball.

I jump to catch the ball which I do but I hit the ground really hard. Daddy quickly runs over to me.

"Are you okay?!" Daddy says. I hold the ball in the air.

"I got it!" I yell. Daddy starts laughing a bit then looks at my leg.

"Oh god your bleeding" Daddy says. I look at my leg to see a big cut that runs along it.

I start to tear up and daddy picks me up and runs inside. Daddy puts me down on the lounge and he grabs some de-infecting stuff and bandages. Daddy puts a cloth on my leg and cleans up the blood, he then puts the bandage on my leg.

I calm down and Daddy smiles.

"Come on lets finish these cookies" Daddy says

"Okay!" I say

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