Chapter 87: Damage

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(Tessa's pov)

My whole body hurts from hitting the door over and over again.

My arm hurt so much that I can't move it and I am a little worried because It looks a little different from the other, my sore arm has this weird thing pocking out of place. 

"Twssa!" Coral yells "Can ywu hwar mw!"

"Yws" I say softly

"Dwn't gwvw up!" Coral says. I yawn and lay on the ground.

I was in a lot of pain but that changes when I hear footsteps run upstairs.


"Pwpw?" I whisper. The door opens and I look up at the door.

Papa looks down at me and I look at him. Papa runs over to me and carefully moves me. I scream in pain a little and papa looks at my arm. Papa carefully looks at my arm.

"Come on lets get you home" Papa says. Papa carefully picks me up and walks out of the room.

Papa gives me Mr bear and I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wake up in papa's arms who is sitting on the bed in my room.

"Pwpw" I say

"Sweetie" Papa says. I look at my arm which hurts a lot.

I start crying and papa holds me a little closer. 

"Don't worry, mama's just doing a few things then we will take you to a place that will help you fix your pain" Papa says. I nod.

"Swstwrs" I say

"Your sisters are with mama" Papa says "They miss you"

I cuddle closer to papa and look at my arm.

"Your arm seems to be broken" Papa says

"Brwkwn" I say

"Broken" Papa says "But don't worry it's a easy fix and after it's fixed it will be good as new I promise"

I nod and put my head on papa's chest. I close my eyes and fall asleep again.


I scream in pain and open my eyes.

I was being put into the chair and they put the seatbelt thing around me. Mama runs her hand over my forehead and kisses me on the forehead.

"Your gonna be okay I promise, the pain will go away soon" Mama says. Mama closes the door and walks away from the chair.

I look forward to see papa sitting in the front. We start driving away and I look out the window to see Willow and Coral trying to follow me and papa but mama is holding them back. I wave to them and learn back in my seat.

"You can sleep Tessa" Papa says "The drive is gonna be a while"

I rub my eyes and fall asleep again.


I wake up to papa holding me while he was sitting in a chair.

"Pwpw?" I say

"Hey sweetie" Papa says. I look around then look down to see papa holding Mr Bear in his other hand.

I try and grab Mr bear and papa looks at me. Papa gives me Mr bear and I hold him with my non-sore arm. Papa stands up when he hears something. Papa walks into a room and puts me down in the bed.

A guy walks in and walks over to me and looks at my arm. He nods to papa and papa looks away. The guy puts a thing on my face which makes me very sleeply.

I couldn't help but fall asleep.

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