Chapter 37: Let's find this guy

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(Dreams pov)

I was sitting in my green chair in the kids room cuddling Coral while George was cuddling Willow.

We both decided that Tessa needs as much sleep as she can get, she took some pain and need sleep so she can try and heal as much as she can. I look down at Coral who is staring at me as she usually does and I don't really understand why but I am getting used to it.

I look over at George who is putting Willow down in her cot, she must have fallen asleep but Coral here is wide awake. George looks at me and walks over to me. George looks down at Coral who is still staring at me.

"So she does stare at you" George says

"Yes, very much" I say

"Maybe she wants mama" George says. George takes Coral who falls asleep soon after.

"Coral is a mama girl" I say

"You think?" George says

"No I know she is" I say. I stand up and walk over to George who puts Coral down in her cot.

"Our little angels" George says

"Our little demons" I say

"Clay!" George says

"What? That's what you called them" I say

"I called them monsters not demons" George says

"Almost the same thing" I say

"Not really" George says. I shrug.

"Clay do you want to have more kids in the future?" George asks

"Little to soon for that question George, I mean we just had 3 kids" I say

"Clay you never know, we may want more kids in the future" George says

"Yeah but, not yet" I say

"Do you want more kids in the future?" George asks

"Yeah of course but right now we need to look at the present and not the future, look what we have in front of us" I say. George looks at the 3 cots and smiles.

"They are going to get old so quick" George says

"Says you, your 26" I say

"No" George says 

"You lied about your age??" I say

"I am 23" George says

"Your my age" I say "That's why you look so young"

"Aww how sweet of you, calling me young and that I look so young that's lovely" George says 

"You know I love you a lot" I say "I would say anything to you, I will say anything on my mind to you"

"Anything?" George says 

"Anything" I say 

"Say something mean about me" George says

"Oh I cant do that" I say "I can't say anything mean to you, you mean to much to me"

"Come on lets find out who hurt our daughter" George says 

"Yeah lets find the motherfucker who layed one little finger on my daughter" I say "Our daughter"

George smiles and picks Tessa up. George gives me Tessa and Tessa looks up at me. Tessa puts her hand on my nose and giggles a little. I smile and kiss Tessa on the head and she giggles.

"She loves you" George says

"She loves both of us" I say

"I think mostly you" George says

"Nah-" I was stopped by Tessa putting her hand in my mouth.

George starts laughing and pulls Tessa's hand out of my mouth.

Me and George both start giggling.

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