Chapter 41: Dad

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(Dreams pov)

It had been a day now and George has been streaming and streaming, not that I am mad or upset about it he's just trying to help get money to help the family.

I was sitting in the baby room and this time George had Coral in the room with him so I have the 2 blondes here with me. George has been streaming for 2 hours and I think he has had enough because I can hear him coming towards the room.

George opens the door and puts Coral down in her cot then walks over to me.

"Are the other girls okay?" George asks

"They woke up like 20 minutes ago for food and I feed them and now they are out cold" I say "Did you feed Coral?"

"Yeah I did" George says 

"That's good" I say. I jump when I hear a knock at the door but George doesn't seem to hear it.

I stand up and walk out of the room with George following me. I walk to the front door and open it. Tommy stands in the doorway and looks next to him. I look next to him to see a tall man who looks almost like me staring at me.

I swallow hard and move out of the way and mumble a come in. They both walk in and I shut/lock the door behind them. Tommy takes the man to the lounge room and George walks up to me.

"Who is that guy?" George whispers

"My blood father" I say. Me and George walk into the lounge room.

George sits next to Tommy and I sit down next to my father. My dad looks at me and I look up at him. I stand back up and he also stands up.

"Clay? Clayton is that you my little boy" 

"Yes! yes! yes! yes! That's me! I am here I am here!" I yell. My dad pulls me into a big hug and I hug him back.

I start to feel tears roll down my face. My dad pulls away and looks at me and smiles.

"Look at you! Your all grown up" 

"Your gotten older" I say

"Watch yourself Clay"

I lightly giggle.

"So son how have you been?"

"I've been great, I have a boyfriend" I say

"Who's the lucky guy that is dating my son"

I look at George which makes my dad turn around and look at George.

"He's cute"

"Hey! He's mine, go get your own!" I say. My dad laughs a little which makes George laugh as well.

"I am only joking Clay, you can have him" 

"I know I know" I say "How have you been?"

"Let's not ask me, today I came here to see you and spend time with you, I ask you things not you ask me things" 

"Okay okay" I say

"What do you do for a living?" 

"I am a Youtuber, like Tommy and George is one too" I say

"Oh yeah I think I have heard Tommy yell GOGY, a lot so that must be George" 

"Yeah that's George" I say

"Maybe you guy's should have a back up job just in case your YouTube job falls down"

"Yeah that might be smart" I say. I look at George who nods to up.

"Hey dad I have something to show you" I say

"Sure what is it?"

"Just follow me" I say

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