Chapter 174: Take out in park

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(Dreams pov)


I wake up laying on the bed under the covers. I don't remember falling asleep at all. I look at George who is shaking me a bit. I sit up and look at George.

"Oh good your awake now" George says 

"I don't remember falling asleep..." I say

"You did I remember, you looked very tired and you just fell asleep" George says "But lets move on we have to drive around so we can see what take out places there are here"

"Yeah" I say "We better do that"

I get out of the bed and walk over to my keys and wallet. I look back over at the bed to see that Willow and Coral were laying down right next to where I was laying. I look at George who is sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the tv.

"Where's Tessa?" I ask Willow and Coral both sit up and look at me.

"Shw's in thw othwr room" Willow says "Shw's talking with Mr bwar"

"Okay" I say "Hello blob, Hello sweetie" 

"Hello daddy, did you havw a good slwwp?" Willow asks

"Yes I did" I say 

"Hello dad I hopw your fwwling okay" Coral says 

"I am just fine don't worry about me" I say

"I always worry about you" Coral says. I smile which makes Coral smile.

"Okay let's get going then, everyone in the car" I say 

"Okay daddy!" Willow says 

"Okay dad" Coral says. Willow and Coral both get off the bed and walk outside to the car which is right outside the door.

I walk into the other room to see that Tessa was curled up in a ball fast asleep. I smile and walk over to her and carefully pick her up. I walk outside of the hotel room and shut the door behind me making sure it is locked.

I walk over to the car to see that George has already put Willow and Coral in their car seats. I put Tessa in her car seat and but her seatbelt on. I walk over to the passenger seat and get into the car. I put my seatbelt on and shut the car door.

I look at George who looks at me and smiles.

"Okay so I am just gonna drive around until I find a good place to eat" George says 

"Sounds good" I say. George starts driving out of the hotel area and down the street. 

I look around to see that there are many different places that we could eat in. George was also looking around as well.

"Sooo many places" George says 

"Yeah" I say "It kinda burns my eyes a little to how many lights there are"

"Yes it's very bright here" George says. George pulls up at a place that looks not bad. 

I get out of the car and help the girls out. George shuts all the door while I get Tessa out and hold her. George locks the car and we all walk up to the door. I walk inside and I look at the guy at the desk.

I walk over to him and he looks up at me.


"No just want some take away and I would like to know if you do, do take away" I say 

"Yes we do" 

"Okay can we get some take away then?" I ask

"Why of course you can"

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