Chapter 181: More sick sick sick

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(Dreams pov)

I feel a lot worse then this morning and it is not a good thing at all.

I hear the door unlock which makes me turn my head just a bit to look at the door. George walks into the room and looks at me. 

"Come on girls let's bring the stuff inside" George says. I watch as George and the girls bring everything side and start unpacking.

George locks the car then shuts and locks the door. George sits down next to me and I look at him.

"happy Valentine's say honey" george whispers

"That's today?" I whisper

"Yes" George whispers

"I am sorry that I didn't take you out" I whisper "I was thinking about all the things we could do and now I fucked that up too"

"It's not your fault honey we can't control these things" George whispers

"I wish I didn't get sick" I whisper

"Hey it's okay I promise, this is better because I get to take care of the person I love the most on a day of love and cuddles and you won't leave" George whispers "It's a win for me and a lose for you"

"Georgeeee" I whisper. George starts laughing then he stands up and walks away.

I look down at my phone to watch it suddenly go dead.

"Honeyyyy" I say. George looks at me.

"Yes?" George asks

"Can you put my phone on chargeeee pleaseeee" I say. George rolls his eyes and puts my phone on charge.

"Now give me a kiss" I say

"No no no, no kissing, I don't need to be sick" George says 

"But- but-"

"No but's I can't get sickkkk" George says

"But but it's Valentine's day! I need to feel the loveeee" I say 

"Ugh fine" George says "But no kissing, I will lay and cuddle with you BUT NO KISSING"

"Fineee" I say "Kisses tomorrow?"

"If your better then yes I will give you a big kiss" George says 

"A big kiss?" I ask

"Yes a very big kiss" George says 

"I love big kisses" I say 

"And I love my cuddles" George says. I smile and George smiles back.

I cough badly which makes George run to the kitchen and look around for something. George comes back with some water and tablets in his hands. I sit up and George gives me the tablets and the water.

I take the tablets and drink the water to wash them down into my stomach. I put the water down on the side table and George sighs at me.

"You put sleeping pills in that didn't you?" I ask

"Sorry" George says "But you will get better if you sleep"

"I thought we agreed on telling me or giving me a heads up" I say 

"I know but you would want to spend more time with me because it's Valentine's day but you need to sleep" George says "I know you may disagree with me but sleep is going to help you get better I promise"

I lay back down and George sits on the bed.

"Please don't fight the sleeping pills" George says "Please? For me?"

"Fine" I say ""

I start to feel very sleepy and I end up falling fast asleep. 

Happy Valentine's day guys hope that you have a great day or had a great day.

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