Chapter 133: You can fight?!

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(Dreams pov)

George was sitting on the lounge with Drista, George was holding a tissue up to Drista's nose.

George looks at me.

"You can fight?!" George says

"Of course he can fight, he's the only one in the in the family who can fight and he fights like a beast!" Drista says 

"Why didn't you tell me?!" George says

"I didn't think that I had it in me anymore" I say

"Well you 100% do" Drista says

"I am sorry for hitting you" I say

"Brother it's fine, we were playing around and you didn't know you had the power to hurt me so it's really not your fault" Drista says 

"I think it is" I say. Drista rolls her eyes and moves George's hand away.

Drista puts a band aid on her nose and she walks over to me. 

"Dream stop blaming yourself for this, if anything I started it" Drista says "You can be such a baby some times"

"Your still younger then me" I say

"Not in here" Drista says as she points at her head.

I roll my eyes ad George stands up. I look down at Coral who was amazed at what I did.

"Dad is so cool!" Coral says 

"Now I understand why our kids are so strong and have fighting in their blood" George says 

"Oops" I say

"Who's the strongest?" Drista asks

"Well Willow can be strong when she wants but Coral is always strong and will to throw punches so" I say

"It goes Willow then Coral?" Drista asks

"No they tie" I say. George nods.

"They tie only because you haven't seem what the strongest looks like" George says

"Who's the strongest?" Drista asks

"Tessa" George says "She beat a guy up to save Clay's life and the guy ended up at the hospital"

"Wow" Drista says. Willow walks into the room and hugs my leg.

"What's wrong blob?" I ask

"I want cuddlws" Willow says 

"Aw blob that's cute" I say. Willow puts her face into my leg.

Tessa walks into the room holding a mug that she was drinking out of.

"Is this one Tessa?" Drista asks

"The one on my leg is Willow, the brown hair is Coral and yeah the little one with the bear is Tessa" I say

"She doesn't look like the strongest" Drista says 

"She has to be angry" George says "She is calm at the moment just don't cross her line and you should be good"

"Does she speak?" Drista asks

"She can say some words but mostly no, Coral was the first to speak normalish and now she can say a lot of words, Willow following close behind" George says 

"I thought Willow was the oldest" Drista says 

"She is the oldest, Coral just learned how to speak a bit faster but Willow was the first one to say a word" George says 

"Ohhh okay that makes sense" Drista says. I pick Willow up.

"Now Drista  go spend time with George okay? I'll look after the girls" I say

"Thanks bro!" Drista says. I watch as Drista and George leave the house and drive away, they were gonna go shopping of course.

I sit down on the lounge and the girls sit down next to me and Tessa sits on my lap.

"Video games?" I say. The girls all scream yes.

I laugh a little.

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