Chapter 78: What are you?

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(Dreams pov)

Mr bear stares at me then looks at the ground.

"I am not human" Mr bear says

"I know that" I say

"I mean I honestly don't know why I said that like you already know I am not human" Mr bear says. I look down at Tessa who is still fast asleep.

I look back up at Mr bear who lets out a sigh.

"I am a demon thing I think I honestly don't know" Mr bear says "No one has really asked me that question but ever since I met Tessa I just want to be her friend and keep her safe"

"That's really nice that you want to keep her safe from anyone who try's to hurt her" I say "I am happy that your here to look after her when we can't, I am happy that you help her sleep at night and keep her away from any nightmares that come her way"

"Thank you Clay you are very kind and sweet" Mr bear says

"Yeah just don't get on my bad side that's all" I say

"That is so easy" Mr bear says 

"Not really, one slip up and I will not be afraid to burn you alive" I say

"Okay okay please don't" Mr bear says

"Then don't get on my bad side" I say

"Okay okay I will try my best" Mr bear says. Tessa moves a little and I look down at her.

She was holding onto my shirt and has her head on my leg and her face facing my shirt. I look at Mr bear who looks at me and smiles.

"Sleepily Tessa" Mr bear says "She needs as much sleep as she can get" 

"I agree" I say "Come over here bear, she wants to hug you as well and you need sleep as well"

"I can't move in my plushie form" Mr bear says. I grab Mr bear and put him in my lap.

"Okay this is very different" Mr bear says "I am the one that usually looks after Tessa and i stay up but now your telling me I can sleep now?"

"Yes, you can sleep" I say

"This is so different" Mr bear says

"Yes it will be different but I am here now and even through we aren't sure what you are, you still need sleep as through sleep is very good" I say

"I have never slept before" Mr bear says "How do you do it?"

"Wow okay uh hmm" I say "Well you just close your eyes and pretend to sleep and you will end up falling asleep or you know you can just think of nothing and just close your eyes and you can see how you go then"

"It sounds easy" Mr bear says 

"It is" I say 

"Okay okay I will try" Mr bear says. I look at Mr bear who looks at me then looks down.

Mr bear closes his eyes and lets out a long breath. After a few sounds I move Mr bear a bit.

"You awake?" I ask. Mr bear groans but doesn't say anything at all

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