Chapter 109: Lunch for Christmas with family

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(Dreams pov)

I don't really get much for Christmas so George and I are going out to buy stuff.

But that all changed when my family called me and George answered and now I have to go to my family house for a late Christmas lunch with them. I wasn't happy and Willow, Coral and Tessa can see it in my eyes when I look at them.

I was sitting on my bed and Willow, Coral and Tessa were sitting next to me. I don't know why George said yes to going he knows that I hate my family and they hate me well I don't hate my brothers or sisters.

"Is somwthwng wrong Daddy?" Willow asks

"Okay girls I want you to listen to me, we are going to go to a place that is not very nice so I want you to try and stay with me so I know your safe" I say

"Of coursw Daddy" Willow says 

"Yws dad" Coral says

"Pwpw!" Tessa says. I laugh a little which make Willow and Coral smile and laugh a little to.

"Here we go" I whisper lightly.


We made it to my family's house and we are now sitting on the lounge.

George was talking to my older brother while the girls were sitting next to me and Tessa was sitting on my lap. George looks at me and I look at him. I hear a knock at the door and my step dad opens it.

I hear someone walk in and into the lounge room. I look over to see Tommy.

"Heyyyy it's my younger brother" I say

"I also invited dad down" Tommy says 

"I am right here" 

Me and Tommy turn to look at our dad that's standing in the doorway. I look at my mom who eyes have widen. I put Tessa down next to Willow and stand up. Me and Tommy walk over to dad and hug him tightly.

Me and Tommy pull away and mom stands up and walks over to dad.

"I haven't seen you in so long, I have missed you-"

"No you haven't! You broke up with me! You haven't taken care of Dream, you should have let me have taken him" My dad says 

"I have taken care of him just fine!" Mom yells

"Please, Clay has told me everything that has happened! Do you think I am dumb?!" Dad yells. Me, George and Tommy turn to the girls and cover their ears.

Mom and dad both sit there and argue at each other.

"Stop!" I yell. Everyone turns to me.

"This is way I can't even come near you guy's anymore! You just don't care!" I yell "I can't stay here!"

I pick up Tessa and Coral and run out to the car, Willow was holding onto my leg. I put the girls in the car then get into the car and start it up. I put my seatbelt on and drive away from the house, I couldn't let the girls see that or hear it.

I let out a sigh and look in the mirror at them, Tessa was holding Mr bear close to her and Coral had her hand on Tessa's arm and Willow had her hand on Coral's arm.

"How about we go get some ice cream and do some shopping?" I ask. The girls look at me and all nod.

This is gonna take my mind of things and I can spend more time with the girls.

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