Chapter 59: I trust you...Do you trust me?

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up with the biggest back pain I have had in a very very very long time.

I try to get off the lounge but it hurts to much. 

"GEORGE" I yell out. I hear footsteps walking from the kitchen to the living room.

George looks at me and I look at him.

"Something wrong?" George asks

"My back, I shouldn't have slept on the lounge, it hurts so bad" I say "I can't move"

"Aw poor baby" George says

"George please, I am sorry for killing him I just like lost control of myself I am sorry" I say

"Clay I've already forgiven you, I was just joking around" George says

"Okay" I say. George walks over to me and helps me sit up, I yelp in pain a few times but I am now sitting up.

"Thank you sweetie" I say

"Your welcome Clay you are very welcomed" George says "Oh and I forgot to tell you that when you went out for the day I called my mum and told her about the kids and now she wants to come and see them"

"No" I say

"Clay I know how you feel about your mum but my mum is nothing like yours I promise plus I have already said that she can come because I thought you were uhh going to be gone a while and I just wanted someone to talk to that's not your brother Tommy" George says 

"Why what's wrong with Tommy?" I say giggling.

"He's just" George sighs "Tommy"

I laugh a little.

"Still a no tell her to go back home" I say

"So I am going to say "Hey mum I know you just took a 9 hour flight from England to Florida but can you please go home my boyfriend has a horrible mother and is just scared that your like her and he doesn't want you to see the kids sorry" George says

"Un called for" I say. George looks me dead in the eyes.

"Then let my mother see the baby's that's all I ask for" George says

"No" I say

"Clay stop" George says

"George have you met my mom have you seen what she has done to me" I say

"But Clay my mother is not like that I promise" George says 

"How can I know that huh?" I say

"How can I trust you after you killed someone who could have stayed my friend" George says "And yet I still trust you because I love you and because I care for you and I know you mean no harm, I trust you Clay...Do you trust me?"

"Yes, I do trust you sweetie, I trust you with all my life" I say

"Then you can trust me on this okay? I know what I am doing" George says 

"Okay, I trust you on this" I say

"Thank you Clay that's all I need is your trust" George says

"Of course" I say

"I am sorry about last night how I pushed you away" George says

"It's okay, I understand how people need time about losing someone that is close to them" I say "You are forgiven"

"And you are forgiven Clay" George says

"I know" I say

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